Web Store API:UserLicenses

A UserLicences resource represents a license purchased by the user for Chrome App or Chrome Extension.

UserLicenses representation


"kind": "chromewebstore#userLicense",
"itemId": string,
"createdTime": long,
"result": boolean,
"accessLevel": string,
"maxAgeSecs": long
Property nameValueDescription
kindstringIdentifies this resource as a user license. Value: the fixed string chromewebstore#userLicense.
itemIdstringThe ID of the item to query for in-app products.
createdTimelongCreation time of license. Number of milliseconds.
resultbooleanTRUE = User has license. FALSE = User does not have license.

Acceptable values are:
  • "FULL":
maxAgeSecslongTime that results can be cached.


Gets the licenses for Chrome Apps.

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