Chrome Web Store
An online marketplace where users can browse for Chrome-integrated websites, Chrome apps, extensions, and themes.
- An explanation of the Chrome Web Store and why you might want to use it.
- Publish and manage your extensions and themes.
- Frequently asked questions about the Chrome Web Store.
- Prepare your extension #
- Best Practices Best practices on how to implement your extension and list it in the Chrome Web Store.
- Internationalize your extension How to internationalize your Chrome Web Store extension.
- Identifying the User How to get the Google Account identity of a Chrome Web Store user.
- Best Practices
- Publish your extension #
- Register as a Chrome Web Store developer How to register as a Chrome Web Store developer.
- Publish in the Chrome Web Store How to publish a new extension or theme to the Chrome Web Store.
- Manage your Chrome Web Store Item How to manage an extension or theme ("item") in the Chrome Web Store.
- Update your Chrome Web Store item How to update an extension or theme ("item") that you previously published on the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome Web Store review process An overview of the review process and how enforcement actions result from detected policy violations.
- Troubleshooting Chrome Web Store violations Guidelines for understanding why an item was rejected or removed from the Chrome Web Store and how to fix the problem.
- Branding Guidelines Guidelines for use of Google trademarks.
- Content Ratings Guidelines Guidelines about how the Chrome Web Store rates the maturity of content.
- Set up a group publisher How to share ownership of your Chrome Web Store items with other developers.
- Deleting Chrome Web Store developer accounts How to delete a developer or group publisher account on the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome Web Store payments deprecation Why the payments is deprecated, details about the deprecation timeline, and more.
- Register as a Chrome Web Store developer
- Item detail pages #
- Supplying Images Guidelines about the kinds of images you need to supply to the Chrome Web Store.
- Complete your listing information How to add listing information for your Chrome Web Store item.
- Creating a great listing page Best practices on how to make a high-quality, engaging listing page for your item in the Chrome Web Store.
- Fill out the privacy fields Use the privacy tab to help the Chrome Web Store team review your extension as quickly as possible.
- Prepare to publish: set up payment and distribution How to choose which countries will list your item and who will see it in the Chrome Web Store.
- Enterprise publishing options How to distribute extensions to enterprise users
- Supplying Images
- An overview of how users find items on the Chrome Web Store, and how our editors select items to feature.
- Chrome Web Store policies #
- Google Chrome Web Store Developer Agreement The legal agreement governing the relationship between Chrome Web Store developers and the Chrome Web Store.
- Program Policies Guiding principles for Chrome Web Store Extension reviews.
- Trader/Non-Trader developer identification Developer’s requirement to disclose their trader/non-trader status.
- Spam policy FAQ Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's spam policy.
- Deceptive Installation Tactics FAQ Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's policies on deceptive installation tactics.
- Updated Privacy Policy & Secure Handling Requirements Frequently asked questions about Chrome Web Store's user data policy.
- Google Play for Education Addendum to the Google Chrome Web Store Developer Agreement
- Chrome Web Store complaint handling FAQ Frequently asked questions about the complaint handling process for the Chrome Web Store.
- Google Chrome Web Store Developer Agreement
- Chrome Web Store API #
- Using the Chrome Web Store Publish API How to programmatically create, update, and publish items in the Chrome Web Store.
- Chrome Web Store API Reference
- Using the Chrome Web Store Publish API