Debugging Puppeteer

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Turn off headless mode

Sometimes it's useful to see what the browser is displaying. Instead of launching in headless mode, launch a full version of the browser using headless: false:

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: false });

Slow it down

The slowMo option slows down Puppeteer operations by the specified amount of milliseconds. It's another way to help see what's going on.

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({
headless: false,
slowMo: 250, // slow down by 250ms

Capture console output

You can listen for the console event. This is also handy when debugging code in page.evaluate():

page.on('console', (msg) => console.log('PAGE LOG:', msg.text()));

await page.evaluate(() => console.log(`url is ${location.href}`));

Use debugger in application code browser

There are two execution context: node.js that is running test code, and the browser running application code being tested. This lets you debug code in the application code browser; the code inside evaluate().

Use {devtools: true} when launching Puppeteer

const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ devtools: true });

Change default test timeout

  • jest: jest.setTimeout(100000);
  • jasmine: jasmine.DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_INTERVAL = 100000;
  • mocha: this.timeout(100000); (don't forget to change test to use function and not '=>')

Add an evaluate statement with debugger inside or add debugger to an existing evaluate statement:

await page.evaluate(() => {

The test will now stop executing in the above evaluate statement, and chromium will stop in debug mode.

Use debugger in node.js

This will let you debug test code. For example, you can step over await in the node.js script and see the click happen in the application code browser.

Note that you won't be able to run await in DevTools console due to this Chromium bug. So if you want to try something out, you have to add it to your test file.

  1. Add debugger; to your test, for example:
  1. Set headless to false.

  2. Run node --inspect-brk, for example, node --inspect-brk node_modules/.bin/jest tests.

  3. In Chrome open chrome://inspect/#devices and click inspect.

  4. In the newly opened test browser, type F8 to resume test execution.

  5. Now your debugger will be hit and you can debug in the test browser

Enable verbose logging

Internal DevTools protocol traffic will be logged via the debug module under the puppeteer namespace.

# Basic verbose logging
env DEBUG="puppeteer:*" node script.js

# Protocol traffic can be rather noisy. This example filters out all Network domain messages
env DEBUG="puppeteer:*" env DEBUG_COLORS=true node script.js 2>&1 | grep -v '"Network'

Debug your Puppeteer (node) code

Use ndb:

  • npm install -g ndb (or use npx).
  • Add a debugger to your Puppeteer (node) code.
  • Add ndb (or npx ndb) before your test command. For example: ndb jest or ndb mocha (or npx ndb jest / npx ndb mocha).
  • debug your test inside chromium like a boss!

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