API status and feature releases

Review Chrome platform status, resources, and feature release timelines.

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Each of the Privacy Sandbox proposals are in varied stages of the development process. Within each proposal, there are individual features that have different expected availability.

To review the latest information on any proposal or API, visit the respective overview documentation and the Privacy Sandbox timeline.

Attribution Reporting

Keep track of the API changes and learn why we plan to ship the Attribution Reporting API in the first half of 2023.

Event-level reports for clicks and views
Available in Chrome for origin trial
Aggregatable reports for clicks and views
Available in Chrome for origin trial
Conversion journey: app-to-web
Web explainer and Android explainer
Expected in Chrome and Android for origin trial in Q2 2023
Conversion journey: cross-device
This proposal has been archived. There are no current plans for implementation.
Prevent invalid aggregatable reports via report verification
Available in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Support for multiple destinations in source registration
Chromium Bug
Available in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Default allowlist for the Attribution Reporting API Permissions-Policy will remain
Mailing list announcement
Available in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Support for filter-based deduplication keys for aggregatable reports
Mailing list announcement
Available in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Support for source registration success reports in verbose debugging
Debugging cookbook
Available in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Support for Attribution Reporting debugging after third-party cookie deprecation
Seeking feedback on GitHub
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in H2 2023
Support for Attribution Reporting API and Aggregation Service on Google Cloud
Attribution Reporting API Explainer
Aggregation Service Explainer
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in H2 2023

Bounce tracking mitigations


Federated Credential Management API (FedCM)

Fenced Frames

Web API changes for urn to config
Available in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Add size to API for K-anon check for URLs and frame size
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
FLEDGE Fenced Frames support for event-level reports with Attribution Reporting
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
FLEDGE, Fenced Frames, and Private Aggregation API support urn-iframesand reportEvent
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
FLEDGE component ads reporting
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Deprecate src attribute for the config attribute
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q2 2023

First-Party Sets


Descendant of TURTLEDOVE.

To be notified of status changes in the API, join the mailing list for developers.

Per-Buyer Latency Reporting
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Direct seller destination support
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Per-buyer wall-time timeout
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q1 2023
Accuracy-limited ad cost for cost-per-click billing
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q2 2023
Event-level user bidding signals for modeling
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q2 2023
Buyer reporting ID for custom breakdowns
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q2 2023
Currency for Highest and bid Highest Other Scoring Bid
Github Issue
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q2 2023

IP Protection

Private Aggregation API

Private State Tokens

Topics API

User-Agent reduction and Client Hints (UA-CH)

Limit passively shared browser data to reduce the volume of sensitive information which leads to fingerprinting.

User-Agent Client Hints API documentation is available on MDN.

Shared Storage

Support for debug mode and testing of Aggregation Service with the local testing tool
Private Aggregation API documentation
Available in Chrome Beta for origin trial in Q1 2023
Private Aggregation API available for origin trial testing in Chrome stable channel
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q2 2023
Prevent invalid Private Aggregation API reports with report verification for Shared Storage
Expected in Chrome for origin trial in Q2 2023

Closed proposals


Replaced by the Topics API.

Find out more

Origin trials

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