Attribution Reporting: experiment and participate
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Read Attribution Reporting to see the use cases and key concepts for this API and check the most recent updates.
Learn why we plan to ship the Attribution Reporting API in the first half of 2023.
Try the API
- Try the demo.
- Check the API status to learn about ways you can experiment with the API today.
- Experiment with the API.
- (Optional) If you ran an origin trial with this API in 2021, follow the migration guide to participate in the latest origin trial.
- To experiment with the API, follow these guides:
- What you should know about the Attribution Reporting API
- Handbook: Demo, detailed code examples and (local) debugging tips.
- Experiment with summary reports.
- Ad techs can generate summary reports with the aggregation service. Set up local testing or test in production with Amazon Web Services (AWS) :
- Create or have an AWS account available.
- Register for the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial (OT).
- Complete the aggregation service onboarding form. After you've submitted this form, we'll send a verification email and instructions.
- Refer to the strategy and tips for summary reports.
- Ad techs can generate summary reports with the aggregation service. Set up local testing or test in production with Amazon Web Services (AWS) :
Get support
To ask a question about your implementation, about the demo, or about the documentation:
- Open a new issue on the privacy-sandbox-dev-support repository. Make sure to select the issue template Attribution Reporting.
- Or join the Attribution Reporting mailing list for developers and ask there.
If you notice any unexpected behavior:
- View Chrome issues reported for the API implementation.
- Raise a new Chrome issue.
To ask more general questions on how to cover your use cases with the API, see Discuss the API.
Join the discussion
Everyone is welcome to join the discussion. In particular, if you're experimenting with the API, your feedback is essential.
Discuss the API
Like other Privacy Sandbox proposals, this API is documented and discussed publicly on GitHub. Read this proposal.
- Join the conversation on existing issues.
- Open a new Issue to ask a question, propose a feature, or discuss a use case. Unsure how to formulate your issue? Review this example.
- Join the bi-weekly meetings (every second week). Everyone is welcome to join. To participate, first you must join the WICG. You can actively participate or just listen in!
Discuss related topics
- Discuss industry use cases in the Private Advertising Technology Community Group or in the Improving Web Advertising Business Group.
- Discuss the WebKit/Safari Measurement API in the Privacy Community Group.
Get updates
- To be notified of status changes in the API, join the mailing list for developers.
- To closely follow all ongoing discussions on the API, click the Watch button on the GitHub proposal. This requires you to have or create a GitHub account.
- To get overall updates on the Privacy Sandbox, subscribe to the RSS feed Progress in the Privacy Sandbox.
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