Inheritance diagram for pp::URLRequestInfo:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 URLRequestInfo ()
 URLRequestInfo (const InstanceHandle &instance)
 URLRequestInfo (const URLRequestInfo &other)
bool SetProperty (PP_URLRequestProperty property, const Var &value)
bool AppendDataToBody (const void *data, uint32_t len)
bool AppendFileToBody (const FileRef &file_ref, PP_Time expected_last_modified_time=0)
bool AppendFileRangeToBody (const FileRef &file_ref, int64_t start_offset, int64_t length, PP_Time expected_last_modified_time=0)
bool SetURL (const Var &url_string)
bool SetMethod (const Var &method_string)
bool SetHeaders (const Var &headers_string)
bool SetStreamToFile (bool enable)
bool SetFollowRedirects (bool enable)
bool SetRecordDownloadProgress (bool enable)
bool SetRecordUploadProgress (bool enable)
bool SetCustomReferrerURL (const Var &url)
bool SetAllowCrossOriginRequests (bool enable)
bool SetAllowCredentials (bool enable)
bool SetCustomContentTransferEncoding (const Var &content_transfer_encoding)
bool SetPrefetchBufferUpperThreshold (int32_t size)
bool SetPrefetchBufferLowerThreshold (int32_t size)
bool SetCustomUserAgent (const Var &user_agent)

Detailed Description

URLRequestInfo provides an API for creating and manipulating URL requests.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

This constructor creates an is_null resource.

A constructor used to allocate a new URLLoader in the browser.

The resulting object will be is_null if the allocation failed.

[in]instanceThe instance with which this resource will be associated.

The copy constructor for URLRequestInfo.

[in]otherA URLRequestInfo to be copied.

Member Function Documentation

bool pp::URLRequestInfo::AppendDataToBody(const void * data,
uint32_t len 

AppendDataToBody() appends data to the request body.

A content-length request header will be automatically generated.

[in]dataA pointer to a buffer holding the data.
[in]lenThe length, in bytes, of the data.
true if successful, false if any of the parameters are invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::AppendFileRangeToBody(const FileReffile_ref,
int64_t start_offset,
int64_t length,
PP_Time expected_last_modified_time = 0 

AppendFileRangeToBody() is a pointer to a function used to append part or all of a file, to be uploaded, to the request body.

A content-length request header will be automatically generated.

[in]file_refA FileRef containing the file reference.
[in]start_offsetAn optional starting point offset within the file.
[in]lengthAn optional number of bytes of the file to be included. If the value is -1, then the sub-range to upload extends to the end of the file.
[in]expected_last_modified_timeAn optional (non-zero) last modified time stamp used to validate that the file was not modified since the given time before it was uploaded. The upload will fail with an error code of PP_ERROR_FILECHANGED if the file has been modified since the given time. If expected_last_modified_time is 0, then no validation is performed.
true if successful, false if any of the parameters are invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::AppendFileToBody(const FileReffile_ref,
PP_Time expected_last_modified_time = 0 

AppendFileToBody() is used to append an entire file, to be uploaded, to the request body.

A content-length request header will be automatically generated.

[in]file_refA FileRef containing the file reference.
[in]expected_last_modified_timeAn optional (non-zero) last modified time stamp used to validate that the file was not modified since the given time before it was uploaded. The upload will fail with an error code of PP_ERROR_FILECHANGED if the file has been modified since the given time. If expected_last_modified_time is 0, then no validation is performed.
true if successful, false if any of the parameters are invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetAllowCredentials(bool enable) [inline]

SetAllowCredentials() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_ALLOWCREDENTIALS (corresponding to a bool of type PP_VARTYPE_BOOL).

The default of the property is false. Whether HTTP credentials are sent with cross-origin requests. If false, no credentials are sent with the request and cookies are ignored in the response. If the request is not cross-origin, this property is ignored.

[in]enableA bool containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.

SetAllowCrossOriginRequests() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_ALLOWCROSSORIGINREQUESTS (corresponding to a bool of type PP_VARTYPE_BOOL).

The default of the property is false. Whether cross-origin requests are allowed. Cross-origin requests are made using the CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) algorithm to check whether the request should be allowed. For the complete CORS algorithm, refer to the Cross-Origin Resource Sharing documentation.

[in]enableA bool containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetCustomContentTransferEncoding(const Varcontent_transfer_encoding) [inline]

SetCustomContentTransferEncoding() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_CUSTOMCONTENTTRANSFERENCODING (corresponding to a string of type PP_VARTYPE_STRING or might be set to undefined as PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED).

Set it to a string to set a custom content-transfer-encoding header (if empty, that header will be omitted), or to undefined to use the default (if any). Only loaders with universal access (only available on trusted implementations) will accept URLRequestInfo objects that try to set a custom content transfer encoding; if given to a loader without universal access, PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will result.

[in]content_transfer_encodingA Var containing the property value. To use the default content transfer encoding, set content_transfer_encoding to an undefined Var.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetCustomReferrerURL(const Varurl) [inline]

SetCustomReferrerURL() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_CUSTOMREFERRERURL (corresponding to a string of type PP_VARTYPE_STRING or might be set to undefined as PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED).

Set it to a string to set a custom referrer (if empty, the referrer header will be omitted), or to undefined to use the default referrer. Only loaders with universal access (only available on trusted implementations) will accept URLRequestInfo objects that try to set a custom referrer; if given to a loader without universal access, PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will result.

[in]urlA Var containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetCustomUserAgent(const Varuser_agent) [inline]

SetCustomUserAgent() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_CUSTOMUSERAGENT (corresponding to a string of type PP_VARTYPE_STRING or might be set to undefined as PP_VARTYPE_UNDEFINED).

Set it to a string to set a custom user-agent header (if empty, that header will be omitted), or to undefined to use the default. Only loaders with universal access (only available on trusted implementations) will accept URLRequestInfo objects that try to set a custom user agent; if given to a loader without universal access, PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will result.

[in]user_agentA Var containing the property value. To use the default user agent, set user_agent to an undefined Var.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetFollowRedirects(bool enable) [inline]

SetFollowRedirects() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_FOLLOWREDIRECT (corresponding to a bool of type PP_VARTYPE_BOOL).

The default of the property is true. Set this value to false if you want to use URLLoader::FollowRedirects() to follow the redirects only after examining redirect headers.

[in]enableA bool containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetHeaders(const Varheaders_string) [inline]

SetHeaders() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_HEADERS (corresponding to a
delimited string of type PP_VARTYPE_STRING) property for the request.

Refer to the <a href=""Header Field Definitions documentation for further information.

[in]headers_stringA Var containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetMethod(const Varmethod_string) [inline]

SetMethod() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_METHOD (corresponding to a string of type PP_VARTYPE_STRING) property for the request.

This string is either a POST or GET. Refer to the HTTP Methods documentation for further information.

[in]method_stringA Var containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.

SetPrefetchBufferLowerThreshold() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_PREFETCHBUFFERLOWERTHRESHOLD (corresponding to a integer of type PP_VARTYPE_INT32).

The default is not defined and is set by the browser to a value appropriate for the default PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_PREFETCHBUFFERUPPERTHRESHOLD. Set it to an integer to set a lower threshold for the prefetched buffer of an asynchronous load. When reached, the browser will resume loading if If PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_PREFETCHBUFFERLOWERERTHRESHOLD had previously been reached. When setting this property, PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_PREFETCHBUFFERUPPERTHRESHOLD must also be set. Behavior is undefined if the former is >= the latter.

[in]sizeAn int32_t containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.

SetPrefetchBufferUpperThreshold() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_PREFETCHBUFFERUPPERTHRESHOLD (corresponding to a integer of type PP_VARTYPE_INT32).

The default is not defined and is set by the browser possibly depending on system capabilities. Set it to an integer to set an upper threshold for the prefetched buffer of an asynchronous load. When exceeded, the browser will defer loading until PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_PREFETCHBUFFERLOWERERTHRESHOLD is hit, at which time it will begin prefetching again. When setting this property, PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_PREFETCHBUFFERLOWERERTHRESHOLD must also be set. Behavior is undefined if the former is <= the latter.

[in]sizeAn int32_t containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetProperty(PP_URLRequestProperty property,
const Varvalue 

SetProperty() sets a request property.

The value of the property must be the correct type according to the property being set.

[in]propertyA PP_URLRequestProperty identifying the property to set.
[in]valueA Var containing the property value.
true if successful, false if any of the parameters are invalid.

SetRecordDownloadProgress() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_RECORDDOWNLOADPROGESS (corresponding to a bool of type PP_VARTYPE_BOOL).

The default of the property is false. Set this value to true if you want to be able to poll the download progress using URLLoader::GetDownloadProgress().

[in]enableA bool containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.

SetRecordUploadProgress() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_RECORDUPLOADPROGRESS (corresponding to a bool of type PP_VARTYPE_BOOL).

The default of the property is false. Set this value to true if you want to be able to poll the upload progress using URLLoader::GetUploadProgress().

[in]enableA bool containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetStreamToFile(bool enable) [inline]

SetStreamToFile() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_STREAMTOFILE (corresponding to a bool of type PP_VARTYPE_BOOL).

The default of the property is false. Set this value to true if you want to download the data to a file. Use URL_Loader::FinishStreamingToFile() to complete the download.

[in]enableA bool containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.
bool pp::URLRequestInfo::SetURL(const Varurl_string) [inline]

SetURL() sets the PP_URLREQUESTPROPERTY_URL property for the request.

[in]url_stringA Var containing the property value.
true if successful, false if the parameter is invalid.

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