List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 FloatRect ()
 FloatRect (const PP_FloatRect &rect)
 FloatRect (float w, float h)
 FloatRect (float x, float y, float w, float h)
 FloatRect (const FloatSize &s)
 FloatRect (const FloatPoint &origin, const FloatSize &size)
 ~FloatRect ()
 operator PP_FloatRect () const
const PP_FloatRect & pp_float_rect () const
PP_FloatRect & pp_float_rect ()
float x () const
void set_x (float in_x)
float y () const
void set_y (float in_y)
float width () const
void set_width (float w)
float height () const
void set_height (float h)
FloatPoint point () const
void set_point (const FloatPoint &origin)
FloatSize Floatsize () const
void set_size (const FloatSize &s)
float right () const
float bottom () const
void SetRect (float x, float y, float w, float h)
void SetRect (const PP_FloatRect &rect)
void Inset (float horizontal, float vertical)
void Inset (float left, float top, float right, float bottom)
void Offset (float horizontal, float vertical)
void Offset (const FloatPoint &point)
bool IsEmpty () const
bool Contains (float point_x, float point_y) const
bool Contains (const FloatPoint &point) const
bool Contains (const FloatRect &rect) const
bool Intersects (const FloatRect &rect) const
FloatRect Intersect (const FloatRect &rect) const
FloatRect Union (const FloatRect &rect) const
FloatRect Subtract (const FloatRect &rect) const
FloatRect AdjustToFit (const FloatRect &rect) const
FloatPoint CenterPoint () const
bool SharesEdgeWith (const FloatRect &rect) const

Detailed Description

A 2 dimensional rectangle.

A rectangle is represented by x and y (which identifies the upper-left corner of the rectangle), width, and height.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

The default constructor.

Creates a Rect in the upper-left at 0.0f,0.0f with height and width of 0.0f.

pp::FloatRect::FloatRect(const PP_FloatRect & rect) [inline]

A constructor accepting a reference to a PP_FloatRect and converting the PP_FloatRect to a FloatRect.

This is an implicit conversion constructor.

[in]rectA PP_FloatRect.
pp::FloatRect::FloatRect(float w,
float h 
) [inline]

A constructor accepting two float values for width and height and converting them to a FloatRect in the upper-left starting coordinate of 0.0f, 0.0f.

[in]wAn float value representing a width.
[in]hAn float value representing a height.
pp::FloatRect::FloatRect(float x,
float y,
float w,
float h 
) [inline]

A constructor accepting four float values for width, height, x, and y.

[in]xAn float value representing a horizontal coordinate of a point, starting with 0.0f as the left-most coordinate.
[in]yAn float value representing a vertical coordinate of a point, starting with 0.0f as the top-most coordinate.
[in]wAn float value representing a width.
[in]hAn float value representing a height.
pp::FloatRect::FloatRect(const FloatSizes) [inline, explicit]

A constructor accepting a pointer to a FloatSize and converting the FloatSize to a FloatRect in the upper-left starting coordinate of 0.0f,0.0f.

[in]sA pointer to a FloatSize.
pp::FloatRect::FloatRect(const FloatPointorigin,
const FloatSizesize 
) [inline]

A constructor accepting a pointer to a FloatPoint representing the origin of the rectangle and a pointer to a FloatSize representing the height and width.

[in]originA pointer to a FloatPoint representing the upper-left starting coordinate.
[in]sizeA pointer to a FloatSize representing the height and width.


Member Function Documentation

AdjustToFit() fits as much of the receiving rectangle within the supplied rectangle as possible, returning the result.

For example, if the receiver had a x-location of 2 and a width of 4, and the supplied rectangle had an x-location of 0 with a width of 5, the returned rectangle would have an x-location of 1 with a width of 4.

[in]rectA pointer to a FloatRect.
A FloatRect representing the difference between this rectangle and the receiving rectangle.
float pp::FloatRect::bottom()const [inline]

Getter function to get the upper-bound for the y-coordinates of the rectangle.

Note that this coordinate value is one past the highest xy value of pixels in the rectangle. This loop will access all the pixels in a horizontal line in the rectangle: for (float y = rect.y(); y < rect.bottom(); ++y) {}

The value of y + height for this point.

CenterPoint() determines the center of this rectangle.

A FloatPoint representing the center of this rectangle.
bool pp::FloatRect::Contains(float point_x,
float point_y 

Contains() determines if the point identified by point_x and point_y falls inside this rectangle.

The point (x, y) is inside the rectangle, but the point (x + width, y + height) is not.

[in]point_xAn float value representing a x value.
[in]point_yAn float value representing a y value.
true if the point_x and point_y fall inside the rectangle.
bool pp::FloatRect::Contains(const FloatPointpoint)const [inline]

Contains() determines if the specified point is contained by this rectangle.

[in]pointA pointer to a Point representing a 2D coordinate.
true if the point_x and point_y fall inside the rectangle.
bool pp::FloatRect::Contains(const FloatRectrect)const

Contains() determines if this rectangle contains the specified rectangle.

[in]rectA pointer to a FloatRect.
true if the rectangle fall inside this rectangle.

Getter function for returning the FloatSize.

The size of the rectangle.
float pp::FloatRect::height()const [inline]

Getter function for returning the value of height.

The value of height for this FloatRect.
void pp::FloatRect::Inset(float horizontal,
float vertical 
) [inline]

Inset() shrinks the rectangle by a horizontal and vertical distance on all sides.

[in]horizontalAn float value representing a horizontal shrinking distance.
[in]verticalAn float value representing a vertical shrinking distance.
void pp::FloatRect::Inset(float left,
float top,
float right,
float bottom 

Inset() shrinks the rectangle by the specified amount on each side.

[in]leftAn float value representing a left shrinking distance.
[in]topAn float value representing a top shrinking distance.
[in]rightAn float value representing a right shrinking distance.
[in]bottomAn float value representing a bottom shrinking distance.

Intersect() computes the intersection of this rectangle with the given rectangle.

[in]rectA pointer to a FloatRect.
A FloatRect representing the intersection.
bool pp::FloatRect::Intersects(const FloatRectrect)const

Intersects() determines if this rectangle intersects the specified rectangle.

[in]rectA pointer to a FloatRect.
true if the rectangle intersects this rectangle.
bool pp::FloatRect::IsEmpty()const [inline]

IsEmpty() determines if the area of a rectangle is zero.

Returns true if the area of the rectangle is zero.

true if the area of the rectangle is zero.
void pp::FloatRect::Offset(float horizontal,
float vertical 

Offset() moves the rectangle by a horizontal and vertical distance.

[in]horizontalAn float value representing a horizontal move distance.
[in]verticalAn float value representing a vertical move distance.
void pp::FloatRect::Offset(const FloatPointpoint) [inline]

Offset() moves the rectangle by a horizontal and vertical distance.

[in]pointA pointer to a FloatPoint representing the horizontal and vertical move distances.
pp::FloatRect::operator PP_FloatRect()const [inline]

PP_FloatRect() allows implicit conversion of a FloatRect to a PP_FloatRect.

A Point.

Getter function for returning the FloatPoint.

A FloatPoint.
const PP_FloatRect& pp::FloatRect::pp_float_rect()const [inline]

Getter function for returning the internal PP_FloatRect struct.

A const reference to the internal PP_FloatRect struct.
PP_FloatRect& pp::FloatRect::pp_float_rect() [inline]

Getter function for returning the internal PP_FloatRect struct.

A mutable reference to the PP_FloatRect struct.
float pp::FloatRect::right()const [inline]

Getter function to get the upper-bound for the x-coordinates of the rectangle.

Note that this coordinate value is one past the highest x value of pixels in the rectangle. This loop will access all the pixels in a horizontal line in the rectangle: for (float x = rect.x(); x < rect.right(); ++x) {}

The value of x + width for this point.
void pp::FloatRect::set_height(float h) [inline]

Setter function for setting the value of height.

[in]hA new width height.
void pp::FloatRect::set_point(const FloatPointorigin) [inline]

Setter function for setting the value of the FloatPoint.

[in]originA FloatPoint representing the upper-left starting coordinate.
void pp::FloatRect::set_size(const FloatSizes) [inline]

Setter function for setting the FloatSize.

[in]sA pointer to a FloatSize representing the height and width.
void pp::FloatRect::set_width(float w) [inline]

Setter function for setting the value of width.

[in]wA new width value.
void pp::FloatRect::set_x(float in_x) [inline]

Setter function for setting the value of x.

[in]in_xA new x value.
void pp::FloatRect::set_y(float in_y) [inline]

Setter function for setting the value of y.

[in]in_yA new y value.
void pp::FloatRect::SetRect(float x,
float y,
float w,
float h 
) [inline]

Setter function for setting the value of the FloatRect.

[in]xA new x value.
[in]yA new y value.
[in]wA new width value.
[in]hA new height value.
void pp::FloatRect::SetRect(const PP_FloatRect & rect) [inline]

Setter function for setting the value of the FloatRect.

[in]rectA pointer to a PP_FloatRect.
bool pp::FloatRect::SharesEdgeWith(const FloatRectrect)const

SharesEdgeWith() determines if this rectangle shares an entire edge (same width or same height) with the given rectangle, and the rectangles do not overlap.

[in]rectA pointer to a FloatRect.
true if this rectangle and supplied rectangle share an edge.

Subtract() computes the rectangle resulting from subtracting rect from this Rect.

If rectdoes not intersect completely in either the x or y direction, then *this is returned. If rect contains this, then an empty Rect is returned.

[in]rectA pointer to a FloatRect.
A FloatRect representing the subtraction.

Union() computes the union of this rectangle with the given rectangle.

The union is the smallest rectangle containing both rectangles.

[in]rectA pointer to a FloatRect.
A FloatRect representing the union.
float pp::FloatRect::width()const [inline]

Getter function for returning the value of width.

The value of width for this FloatRect.
float pp::FloatRect::x()const [inline]

Getter function for returning the value of x.

The value of x for this FloatPoint.
float pp::FloatRect::y()const [inline]

Getter function for returning the value of y.

The value of y for this FloatPoint.

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