Inheritance diagram for pp::CompositorLayer:

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

 CompositorLayer ()
 CompositorLayer (const CompositorLayer &other)
 CompositorLayer (const Resource &resource)
 CompositorLayer (PassRef, PP_Resource resource)
 ~CompositorLayer ()
int32_t SetColor (float red, float green, float blue, float alpha, const Size &size)
int32_t SetTexture (const Graphics3D &context, uint32_t target, uint32_t texture, const Size &size, const CompletionCallback &cc)
int32_t SetImage (const ImageData &image, const CompletionCallback &callback)
int32_t SetImage (const ImageData &image, const Size &size, const CompletionCallback &callback)
int32_t SetClipRect (const Rect &rect)
int32_t SetTransform (const float matrix[16])
int32_t SetOpacity (float opacity)
int32_t SetBlendMode (PP_BlendMode mode)
int32_t SetSourceRect (const FloatRect &rect)
int32_t SetPremultipliedAlpha (bool premult)

Static Public Member Functions

static bool IsCompositorLayer (const Resource &resource)

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor for creating an is_null() CompositorLayer object.

The copy constructor for CompositorLayer.

[in]otherA reference to a CompositorLayer.
pp::CompositorLayer::CompositorLayer(const Resourceresource) [explicit]

Constructs a CompositorLayer from a Resource.

[in]resourceA PPB_CompositorLayer resource.

A constructor used when you have received a PP_Resource as a return value that has had 1 ref added for you.

[in]resourceA PPB_CompositorLayer resource.

Member Function Documentation

static bool pp::CompositorLayer::IsCompositorLayer(const Resourceresource) [static]

Checks whether a Resource is a compositor layer, to test whether it is appropriate for use with the CompositorLayer constructor.

[in]resourceA Resource to test.
True if resource is a compositor layer.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetBlendMode(PP_BlendMode mode)

Sets the blend mode which is used to composite the layer.

param[in] mode A PP_BlendMode. The default value is PP_BLENDMODE_SRC_OVER.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetClipRect(const Rectrect)

Sets a clip rectangle for a compositor layer.

The Chromium compositor applies a transform matrix on the layer first, and then clips the layer with the rectangle.

param[in] rect The clip rectangle. The origin is top-left corner of the plugin.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetColor(float red,
float green,
float blue,
float alpha,
const Sizesize 

Sets the color of a solid color layer.

If the layer is uninitialized, it will initialize the layer first, and then set its color. If the layer has been initialized to another kind of layer, the layer will not be changed, and PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will be returned.

param[in] red A float for the red color component. It will be clamped to [0, 1] param[in] green A float for the green color component. It will be clamped to [0, 1]. param[in] blue A float for the blue color component. It will be clamped to [0, 1]. param[in] alpha A float for the alpha color component. It will be clamped to [0, 1]. param[in] size A Size for the size of the layer before transform.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetImage(const ImageDataimage,
const CompletionCallbackcallback 

Sets the image of an image layer.

If the layer is uninitialized, it will initiliaze the layer first, and then set the image of it. If the layer has been initialized to another kind of layer, the layer will not be changed, and PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will be returned.

param[in] image_data A PP_Resource corresponding to an image data resource. param[in] cc A CompletionCallback to be called when the image data is released by Chromium compositor.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetImage(const ImageDataimage,
const Sizesize,
const CompletionCallbackcallback 

Sets the image of an image layer.

If the layer is uninitialized, it will initialize the layer first, and then set its image. The layer size will be set to the image's size. The source rect will be set to the full image. If the layer has been initialized to another kind of layer, the layer will not be changed, and PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will be returned.

param[in] image_data A ImageData corresponding to an image data resource. param[in] size A Size for the size of the layer before transform. param[in] cc A CompletionCallback to be called when the image data is released by Chromium compositor.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetOpacity(float opacity)

Sets the opacity value which will be applied to the layer.

The effective value of each pixel is computed as:

if (premult_alpha) pixel.rgb = pixel.rgb * opacity; pixel.a = pixel.a * opactiy;

param[in] opacity A float for the opacity value. The default value is 1.0f.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.

Sets the premultiplied alpha for an texture layer.

param[in] premult A bool with true if pre-multiplied alpha is used.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.

Sets a source rectangle for a texture layer or an image layer.

param[in] rect A FloatRect for an area of the source to consider. For a texture layer, rect is in uv coordinates. For an image layer, rect is in pixels. If the rect is beyond the dimensions of the texture or image, PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will be returned. If the layer size does not match the source rect size, bilinear scaling will be used.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetTexture(const Graphics3Dcontext,
uint32_t target,
uint32_t texture,
const Sizesize,
const CompletionCallbackcc 

Sets the texture of a texture layer.

If the layer is uninitialized, it will initialize the layer first, and then set its texture. The source rect will be set to ((0, 0), (1, 1)). If the layer has been initialized to another kind of layer, the layer will not be changed, and PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT will be returned.

param[in] context A Graphics3D corresponding to a graphics 3d resource which owns the GL texture. param[in] target GL texture target (GL_TEXTURE_2D, etc). param[in] texture A GL texture object id. param[in] size A Size for the size of the layer before transform. param[in] cc A CompletionCallback to be called when the texture is released by Chromium compositor.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.
int32_t pp::CompositorLayer::SetTransform(const float matrix[16])

Sets a transform matrix which is used to composite the layer.

param[in] matrix A float array with 16 elements. The matrix is coloum major. The default transform matrix is an identity matrix.

An int32_t containing a result code from pp_errors.h.

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