Data Fields

PP_Resource(* Create )(PP_Instance instance, PP_FileSystemType type)
PP_Bool(* IsFileSystem )(PP_Resource resource)
int32_t(* Open )(PP_Resource file_system, int64_t expected_size, struct PP_CompletionCallback callback)
PP_FileSystemType(* GetType )(PP_Resource file_system)

Detailed Description

The PPB_FileSystem struct identifies the file system type associated with a file.

Field Documentation

Create() creates a file system object of the given type.

[in]instanceA PP_Instance identifying the instance with the file.
[in]typeA file system type as defined by PP_FileSystemType enum (except PP_FILESYSTEMTYPE_ISOLATED, which is currently not supported).
A PP_Resource corresponding to a file system if successful.

GetType() returns the type of the provided file system.

[in]file_systemA PP_Resource corresponding to a file system.
A PP_FileSystemType with the file system type if valid or PP_FILESYSTEMTYPE_INVALID if the provided resource is not a valid file system. It is valid to call this function even before Open() completes.

IsFileSystem() determines if the provided resource is a file system.

[in]resourceA PP_Resource corresponding to a file system.
PP_TRUE if the resource is a PPB_FileSystem, PP_FALSE if the resource is invalid or some type other than PPB_FileSystem.
int32_t(* PPB_FileSystem::Open)(PP_Resource file_system, int64_t expected_size, struct PP_CompletionCallback callback)

Open() opens the file system.

A file system must be opened before running any other operation on it.

[in]file_systemA PP_Resource corresponding to a file system.
[in]expected_sizeThe expected size of the file system. Note that this does not request quota; to do that, you must either invoke requestQuota from JavaScript: or set the unlimitedStorage permission for Chrome Web Store apps:
[in]callbackA PP_CompletionCallback to be called upon completion of Open().
An int32_t containing an error code from pp_errors.h.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file:
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