Data Fields

int32_t(* GetAttribMaxValue )(PP_Resource instance, int32_t attribute, int32_t *value)
PP_Resource(* Create )(PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource share_context, const int32_t attrib_list[])
PP_Bool(* IsGraphics3D )(PP_Resource resource)
int32_t(* GetAttribs )(PP_Resource context, int32_t attrib_list[])
int32_t(* SetAttribs )(PP_Resource context, const int32_t attrib_list[])
int32_t(* GetError )(PP_Resource context)
int32_t(* ResizeBuffers )(PP_Resource context, int32_t width, int32_t height)
int32_t(* SwapBuffers )(PP_Resource context, struct PP_CompletionCallback callback)

Detailed Description

PPB_Graphics3D defines the interface for a 3D graphics context.

Example usage from plugin code:


 PP_Resource context;
 int32_t attribs[] = {PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_WIDTH, 800,
                      PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_HEIGHT, 800,
 context = g3d->Create(instance, 0, attribs);
 inst->BindGraphics(instance, context);

Present one frame:

 PP_CompletionCallback callback = {
   DidFinishSwappingBuffers, 0, PP_COMPLETIONCALLBACK_FLAG_NONE,
 gles2->Clear(context, GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);
 g3d->SwapBuffers(context, callback);



Field Documentation

PP_Resource(* PPB_Graphics3D::Create)(PP_Instance instance, PP_Resource share_context, const int32_t attrib_list[])

Create() creates and initializes a 3D rendering context.

The returned context is off-screen to start with. It must be attached to a plugin instance using PPB_Instance::BindGraphics to draw on the web page.

[in]instanceThe module instance.
[in]share_contextThe 3D context with which the created context would share resources. If share_context is not 0, then all shareable data, as defined by the client API (note that for OpenGL and OpenGL ES, shareable data excludes texture objects named 0) will be shared by share_context, all other contexts share_context already shares with, and the newly created context. An arbitrary number of PPB_Graphics3D can share data in this fashion.
[in]attrib_listspecifies a list of attributes for the context. It is a list of attribute name-value pairs in which each attribute is immediately followed by the corresponding desired value. The list is terminated with PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_NONE. The attrib_list may be 0 or empty (first attribute is PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_NONE). If an attribute is not specified in attrib_list, then the default value is used (it is said to be specified implicitly). Attributes for the context are chosen according to an attribute-specific criteria. Attributes can be classified into two categories:
  • AtLeast: The attribute value in the returned context meets or exceeds the value specified in attrib_list.
  • Exact: The attribute value in the returned context is equal to the value specified in attrib_list.

Attributes that can be specified in attrib_list include:

  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_ALPHA_SIZE: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_BLUE_SIZE: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_GREEN_SIZE: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_RED_SIZE: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_DEPTH_SIZE: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_STENCIL_SIZE: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_SAMPLES: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_SAMPLE_BUFFERS: Category: AtLeast Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_WIDTH: Category: Exact Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_HEIGHT: Category: Exact Default: 0.
  • PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_SWAP_BEHAVIOR: Category: Exact Default: Implementation defined.

A PP_Resource containing the 3D graphics context if successful or 0 if unsuccessful.

int32_t(* PPB_Graphics3D::GetAttribMaxValue)(PP_Resource instance, int32_t attribute, int32_t *value)

GetAttribMaxValue() retrieves the maximum supported value for the given attribute.

This function may be used to check if a particular attribute value is supported before attempting to create a context.

[in]instanceThe module instance.
[in]attributeThe attribute for which maximum value is queried. Attributes that can be queried for include:
[out]valueThe maximum supported value for attribute
Returns PP_TRUE on success or the following on error:
  • PP_ERROR_BADRESOURCE if instance is invalid
  • PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT if attribute is invalid or value is 0
int32_t(* PPB_Graphics3D::GetAttribs)(PP_Resource context, int32_t attrib_list[])

GetAttribs() retrieves the value for each attribute in attrib_list.

[in]contextThe 3D graphics context.
[in,out]attrib_listThe list of attributes that are queried. attrib_list has the same structure as described for PPB_Graphics3D::Create. It is both input and output structure for this function. All attributes specified in PPB_Graphics3D::Create can be queried for.
Returns PP_OK on success or:
  • PP_ERROR_BADRESOURCE if context is invalid
  • PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT if attrib_list is 0 or any attribute in the attrib_list is not a valid attribute.

Example usage: To get the values for rgb bits in the color buffer, this function must be called as following:

 int attrib_list[] = {PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_RED_SIZE, 0,
                      PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_GREEN_SIZE, 0,
                      PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_BLUE_SIZE, 0,
 GetAttribs(context, attrib_list);
 int red_bits = attrib_list[1];
 int green_bits = attrib_list[3];
 int blue_bits = attrib_list[5];

GetError() returns the current state of the given 3D context.

The recoverable error conditions that have no side effect are detected and returned immediately by all functions in this interface. In addition the implementation may get into a fatal state while processing a command. In this case the application must destroy the context and reinitialize client API state and objects to continue rendering.

Note that the same error code is also returned in the SwapBuffers callback. It is recommended to handle error in the SwapBuffers callback because GetError is synchronous. This function may be useful in rare cases where drawing a frame is expensive and you want to verify the result of ResizeBuffers before attempting to draw a frame.

[in]The3D graphics context.
  • PP_OK if no error

IsGraphics3D() determines if the given resource is a valid Graphics3D context.

[in]resourceA Graphics3D context resource.
PP_TRUE if the given resource is a valid Graphics3D, PP_FALSE if it is an invalid resource or is a resource of another type.
int32_t(* PPB_Graphics3D::ResizeBuffers)(PP_Resource context, int32_t width, int32_t height)

ResizeBuffers() resizes the backing surface for context.

If the surface could not be resized due to insufficient resources, PP_ERROR_NOMEMORY error is returned on the next SwapBuffers callback.

[in]contextThe 3D graphics context.
[in]widthThe width of the backing surface.
[in]heightThe height of the backing surface.
Returns PP_OK on success or:
  • PP_ERROR_BADRESOURCE if context is invalid.
  • PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT if the value specified for width or height is less than zero.
int32_t(* PPB_Graphics3D::SetAttribs)(PP_Resource context, const int32_t attrib_list[])

SetAttribs() sets the values for each attribute in attrib_list.

[in]contextThe 3D graphics context.
[in]attrib_listThe list of attributes whose values need to be set. attrib_list has the same structure as described for PPB_Graphics3D::Create. Attributes that can be specified are:
Returns PP_OK on success or:
  • PP_ERROR_BADRESOURCE if context is invalid.
  • PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT if attrib_list is 0 or any attribute in the attrib_list is not a valid attribute.

SwapBuffers() makes the contents of the color buffer available for compositing.

This function has no effect on off-screen surfaces - ones not bound to any plugin instance. The contents of ancillary buffers are always undefined after calling SwapBuffers. The contents of the color buffer are undefined if the value of the PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_SWAP_BEHAVIOR attribute of context is not PP_GRAPHICS3DATTRIB_BUFFER_PRESERVED.

SwapBuffers runs in asynchronous mode. Specify a callback function and the argument for that callback function. The callback function will be executed on the calling thread after the color buffer has been composited with rest of the html page. While you are waiting for a SwapBuffers callback, additional calls to SwapBuffers will fail.

Because the callback is executed (or thread unblocked) only when the plugin's current state is actually on the screen, this function provides a way to rate limit animations. By waiting until the image is on the screen before painting the next frame, you can ensure you're not generating updates faster than the screen can be updated.

SwapBuffers performs an implicit flush operation on context. If the context gets into an unrecoverable error condition while processing a command, the error code will be returned as the argument for the callback. The callback may return the following error codes:

  • PP_ERROR_CONTEXT_LOST Note that the same error code may also be obtained by calling GetError.
[in]contextThe 3D graphics context.
[in]callbackThe callback that will executed when SwapBuffers completes.
Returns PP_OK on success or:
  • PP_ERROR_BADRESOURCE if context is invalid.
  • PP_ERROR_BADARGUMENT if callback is invalid.

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