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  • Description

    Use the chrome.identity API to get OAuth2 access tokens.

  • Permissions





  • id


    A unique identifier for the account. This ID will not change for the lifetime of the account.


Chrome 84+



, or



Chrome 105+


  • grantedScopes

    string[] optional

    A list of OAuth2 scopes granted to the extension.

  • token

    string optional

    The specific token associated with the request.



  • token


    The specific token that should be removed from the cache.


Chrome 84+


  • accountStatus

    AccountStatus optional

    A status of the primary account signed into a profile whose ProfileUserInfo should be returned. Defaults to SYNC account status.



  • email


    An email address for the user account signed into the current profile. Empty if the user is not signed in or the identity.email manifest permission is not specified.

  • id


    A unique identifier for the account. This ID will not change for the lifetime of the account. Empty if the user is not signed in or (in M41+) the identity.email manifest permission is not specified.



  • account

    AccountInfo optional

    The account ID whose token should be returned. If not specified, the function will use an account from the Chrome profile: the Sync account if there is one, or otherwise the first Google web account.

  • enableGranularPermissions

    boolean optional

    Chrome 87+

    The enableGranularPermissions flag allows extensions to opt-in early to the granular permissions consent screen, in which requested permissions are granted or denied individually.

  • interactive

    boolean optional

    Fetching a token may require the user to sign-in to Chrome, or approve the application's requested scopes. If the interactive flag is true, getAuthToken will prompt the user as necessary. When the flag is false or omitted, getAuthToken will return failure any time a prompt would be required.

  • scopes

    string[] optional

    A list of OAuth2 scopes to request.

    When the scopes field is present, it overrides the list of scopes specified in manifest.json.



  • abortOnLoadForNonInteractive

    boolean optional


    Whether to terminate launchWebAuthFlow for non-interactive requests after the page loads. This parameter does not affect interactive flows.

    When set to true (default) the flow will terminate immediately after the page loads. When set to false, the flow will only terminate after the timeoutMsForNonInteractive passes. This is useful for identity providers that use JavaScript to perform redirections after the page loads.

  • interactive

    boolean optional

    Whether to launch auth flow in interactive mode.

    Since some auth flows may immediately redirect to a result URL, launchWebAuthFlow hides its web view until the first navigation either redirects to the final URL, or finishes loading a page meant to be displayed.

    If the interactive flag is true, the window will be displayed when a page load completes. If the flag is false or omitted, launchWebAuthFlow will return with an error if the initial navigation does not complete the flow.

    For flows that use JavaScript for redirection, abortOnLoadForNonInteractive can be set to false in combination with setting timeoutMsForNonInteractive to give the page a chance to perform any redirects.

  • timeoutMsForNonInteractive

    number optional


    The maximum amount of time, in miliseconds, launchWebAuthFlow is allowed to run in non-interactive mode in total. Only has an effect if interactive is false.

  • url


    The URL that initiates the auth flow.



  callback?: function,
Promise Chrome 87+

Resets the state of the Identity API:

  • Removes all OAuth2 access tokens from the token cache
  • Removes user's account preferences
  • De-authorizes the user from all auth flows


  • callback

    function optional

    The callback parameter looks like: () => void


  • Promise<void>

    Chrome 106+

    Promises are supported in Manifest V3 and later, but callbacks are provided for backward compatibility. You cannot use both on the same function call. The promise resolves with the same type that is passed to the callback.


  callback?: function,
Promise Dev channel

Retrieves a list of AccountInfo objects describing the accounts present on the profile.

getAccounts is only supported on dev channel.


  • callback

    function optional

    The callback parameter looks like: (accounts: AccountInfo[]) => void


  • Promise<AccountInfo[]>

    Promises are supported in Manifest V3 and later, but callbacks are provided for backward compatibility. You cannot use both on the same function call. The promise resolves with the same type that is passed to the callback.


  details?: TokenDetails,
  callback?: function,

Gets an OAuth2 access token using the client ID and scopes specified in the oauth2 section of manifest.json.

The Identity API caches access tokens in memory, so it's ok to call getAuthToken non-interactively any time a token is required. The token cache automatically handles expiration.

For a good user experience it is important interactive token requests are initiated by UI in your app explaining what the authorization is for. Failing to do this will cause your users to get authorization requests, or Chrome sign in screens if they are not signed in, with with no context. In particular, do not use getAuthToken interactively when your app is first launched.

Note: When called with a callback, instead of returning an object this function will return the two properties as separate arguments passed to the callback.



  • Chrome 105+

    Promises are supported in Manifest V3 and later, but callbacks are provided for backward compatibility. You cannot use both on the same function call. The promise resolves with the same type that is passed to the callback.


  details?: ProfileDetails,
  callback?: function,

Retrieves email address and obfuscated gaia id of the user signed into a profile.

Requires the identity.email manifest permission. Otherwise, returns an empty result.

This API is different from identity.getAccounts in two ways. The information returned is available offline, and it only applies to the primary account for the profile.



  • Chrome 106+

    Promises are supported in Manifest V3 and later, but callbacks are provided for backward compatibility. You cannot use both on the same function call. The promise resolves with the same type that is passed to the callback.


  path?: string,

Generates a redirect URL to be used in launchWebAuthFlow.

The generated URLs match the pattern https://<app-id>.chromiumapp.org/*.


  • path

    string optional

    The path appended to the end of the generated URL.


  • string


  details: WebAuthFlowDetails,
  callback?: function,

Starts an auth flow at the specified URL.

This method enables auth flows with non-Google identity providers by launching a web view and navigating it to the first URL in the provider's auth flow. When the provider redirects to a URL matching the pattern https://<app-id>.chromiumapp.org/*, the window will close, and the final redirect URL will be passed to the callback function.

For a good user experience it is important interactive auth flows are initiated by UI in your app explaining what the authorization is for. Failing to do this will cause your users to get authorization requests with no context. In particular, do not launch an interactive auth flow when your app is first launched.


  • WebAuth flow options.

  • callback

    function optional

    The callback parameter looks like: (responseUrl?: string) => void

    • responseUrl

      string optional


  • Promise<string | undefined>

    Chrome 106+

    Promises are supported in Manifest V3 and later, but callbacks are provided for backward compatibility. You cannot use both on the same function call. The promise resolves with the same type that is passed to the callback.


  details: InvalidTokenDetails,
  callback?: function,

Removes an OAuth2 access token from the Identity API's token cache.

If an access token is discovered to be invalid, it should be passed to removeCachedAuthToken to remove it from the cache. The app may then retrieve a fresh token with getAuthToken.


  • Token information.

  • callback

    function optional

    The callback parameter looks like: () => void


  • Promise<void>

    Chrome 106+

    Promises are supported in Manifest V3 and later, but callbacks are provided for backward compatibility. You cannot use both on the same function call. The promise resolves with the same type that is passed to the callback.



  callback: function,

Fired when signin state changes for an account on the user's profile.


  • callback


    The callback parameter looks like: (account: AccountInfo, signedIn: boolean) => void

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