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欢迎 What's new in Chrome extensions Get help with Chrome extensions API reference Samples


  • Description

    Note: this API is deprecated. Check out the declarativeNetRequest API instead. Use the chrome.declarativeWebRequest API to intercept, block, or modify requests in-flight. It is significantly faster than the chrome.webRequest API because you can register rules that are evaluated in the browser rather than the JavaScript engine, which reduces roundtrip latencies and allows higher efficiency.

  • Permissions
  • Availability
    Beta channel ≤MV2


You must declare the "declarativeWebRequest" permission in the extension manifest to use this API, along with host permissions.

"name": "My extension",
"permissions": [

Note that certain types of non-sensitive actions do not require host permissions:

  • CancelRequest
  • IgnoreRules
  • RedirectToEmptyDocument
  • RedirectToTransparentImage

The SendMessageToExtension action requires host permissions for any hosts whose network requests you want to trigger a message.

All other actions require host permissions to all URLs.

As an example, if "https://*.google.com/*" is the only host permission an extension has, then such an extension may set up a rule to

  • cancel a request to "https://www.google.com" or "https://anything.else.com"
  • send a message when navigating to "https://www.google.com" but not to "https://something.else.com"

The extension cannot set up a rule to redirect "https://www.google.com" to "https://mail.google.com".


The Declarative Web Request API follows the concepts of the Declarative API. You can register rules to the chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onRequest event object.

The Declarative Web Request API supports a single type of match criteria, the RequestMatcher. The RequestMatcher matches network requests if and only if all listed criteria are met. The following RequestMatcher would match a network request when the user enters "https://www.example.com" in the URL bar:

var matcher = new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
url: { hostSuffix: 'example.com', schemes: ['http'] },
resourceType: ['main_frame']

Requests to "https://www.example.com" would be rejected by the RequestMatcher due to the scheme. Also all requests for an embedded iframe would be rejected due to the resourceType.

Note: All conditions and actions are created via a constructor as shown in the example above.

In order to cancel all requests to "example.com", you can define a rule as follows:

var rule = {
conditions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
url: { hostSuffix: 'example.com' } })
actions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest()

In order to cancel all requests to "example.com" and "foobar.com", you can add a second condition, as each condition is sufficient to trigger all specified actions:

var rule2 = {
conditions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
url: { hostSuffix: 'example.com' } }),
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
url: { hostSuffix: 'foobar.com' } })
actions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest()

Register rules as follows:


Note: You should always register or unregister rules in bulk rather than individually because each of these operations recreates internal data structures. This re-creation is computationally expensive but facilitates a very fast URL matching algorithm for hundreds of thousands of URLs. The Performance section of the Events API provides further performance tips.

Evaluation of conditions and actions

The Declarative Web Request API follows the Life cycle model for web requests of the Web Request API. This means that conditions can only be tested at specific stages of a web request and, likewise, actions can also only be executed at specific stages. The following tables list the request stages that are compatible with conditions and actions.

Request stages during which condition attributes can be processed.
Condition attributeonBeforeRequestonBeforeSendHeadersonHeadersReceivedonAuthRequired
Request stages during which actions can be executed.

Note: Applicable stages can be further constrained by using the "stages" attribute.

Note: Redirects initiated by a redirect action use the original request method for the redirect, with one exception: If the redirect is initiated at the onHeadersReceived stage, then the redirect will be issued using the GET method.

Example: It is possible to combine a new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({contentType: ["image/jpeg"]}) condition with a new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest() action because both of them can be evaluated in the onHeadersReceived stage. It is, however, impossible to combine the request matcher with a new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.SetRequestHeader() because request headers cannot be set any more by the time the content type has been terminated.

Using priorities to override rules

Rules can be associated with priorities as described in the Events API. This mechanism can be used to express exceptions. The following example will block all requests to images named "evil.jpg" except on the server "myserver.com".

var rule1 = {
priority: 100,
conditions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
url: { pathEquals: 'evil.jpg' } })
actions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.CancelRequest()
var rule2 = {
priority: 1000,
conditions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.RequestMatcher({
url: { hostSuffix: '.myserver.com' } })
actions: [
new chrome.declarativeWebRequest.IgnoreRules({
lowerPriorityThan: 1000 })
chrome.declarativeWebRequest.onRequest.addRules([rule1, rule2]);

It is important to recognize that the IgnoreRules action is not persisted across request stages. All conditions of all rules are evaluated at each stage of a web request. If an IgnoreRules action is executed, it applies only to other actions that are executed for the same web request in the same stage.




Adds a cookie to the request or overrides a cookie, in case another cookie of the same name exists already. Note that it is preferred to use the Cookies API because this is computationally less expensive.



Adds a cookie to the response or overrides a cookie, in case another cookie of the same name exists already. Note that it is preferred to use the Cookies API because this is computationally less expensive.



Adds the response header to the response of this web request. As multiple response headers may share the same name, you need to first remove and then add a new response header in order to replace one.



Declarative event action that cancels a network request.



Edits one or more cookies of request. Note that it is preferred to use the Cookies API because this is computationally less expensive.



Edits one or more cookies of response. Note that it is preferred to use the Cookies API because this is computationally less expensive.



A filter of a cookie in HTTP Responses.


  • ageLowerBound

    number optional

    Inclusive lower bound on the cookie lifetime (specified in seconds after current time). Only cookies whose expiration date-time is set to 'now + ageLowerBound' or later fulfill this criterion. Session cookies do not meet the criterion of this filter. The cookie lifetime is calculated from either 'max-age' or 'expires' cookie attributes. If both are specified, 'max-age' is used to calculate the cookie lifetime.

  • ageUpperBound

    number optional

    Inclusive upper bound on the cookie lifetime (specified in seconds after current time). Only cookies whose expiration date-time is in the interval [now, now + ageUpperBound] fulfill this criterion. Session cookies and cookies whose expiration date-time is in the past do not meet the criterion of this filter. The cookie lifetime is calculated from either 'max-age' or 'expires' cookie attributes. If both are specified, 'max-age' is used to calculate the cookie lifetime.

  • domain

    string optional

    Value of the Domain cookie attribute.

  • expires

    string optional

    Value of the Expires cookie attribute.

  • httpOnly

    string optional

    Existence of the HttpOnly cookie attribute.

  • maxAge

    number optional

    Value of the Max-Age cookie attribute

  • name

    string optional

    Name of a cookie.

  • path

    string optional

    Value of the Path cookie attribute.

  • secure

    string optional

    Existence of the Secure cookie attribute.

  • sessionCookie

    boolean optional

    Filters session cookies. Session cookies have no lifetime specified in any of 'max-age' or 'expires' attributes.

  • value

    string optional

    Value of a cookie, may be padded in double-quotes.


Filters request headers for various criteria. Multiple criteria are evaluated as a conjunction.


  • nameContains

    string | string[] optional

    Matches if the header name contains all of the specified strings.

  • nameEquals

    string optional

    Matches if the header name is equal to the specified string.

  • namePrefix

    string optional

    Matches if the header name starts with the specified string.

  • nameSuffix

    string optional

    Matches if the header name ends with the specified string.

  • valueContains

    string | string[] optional

    Matches if the header value contains all of the specified strings.

  • valueEquals

    string optional

    Matches if the header value is equal to the specified string.

  • valuePrefix

    string optional

    Matches if the header value starts with the specified string.

  • valueSuffix

    string optional

    Matches if the header value ends with the specified string.


Masks all rules that match the specified criteria.


  • constructor


    The constructor function looks like: (arg: IgnoreRules) => {...}

  • hasTag

    string optional

    If set, rules with the specified tag are ignored. This ignoring is not persisted, it affects only rules and their actions of the same network request stage. Note that rules are executed in descending order of their priorities. This action affects rules of lower priority than the current rule. Rules with the same priority may or may not be ignored.

  • lowerPriorityThan

    number optional

    If set, rules with a lower priority than the specified value are ignored. This boundary is not persisted, it affects only rules and their actions of the same network request stage.


Redirects a request by applying a regular expression on the URL. The regular expressions use the RE2 syntax.


  • constructor


    The constructor function looks like: (arg: RedirectByRegEx) => {...}

  • from


    A match pattern that may contain capture groups. Capture groups are referenced in the Perl syntax ($1, $2, ...) instead of the RE2 syntax (\1, \2, ...) in order to be closer to JavaScript Regular Expressions.

  • to


    Destination pattern.


Declarative event action that redirects a network request.



Declarative event action that redirects a network request to an empty document.



Declarative event action that redirects a network request to a transparent image.



Removes one or more cookies of request. Note that it is preferred to use the Cookies API because this is computationally less expensive.



Removes the request header of the specified name. Do not use SetRequestHeader and RemoveRequestHeader with the same header name on the same request. Each request header name occurs only once in each request.



Removes one or more cookies of response. Note that it is preferred to use the Cookies API because this is computationally less expensive.



Removes all response headers of the specified names and values.



A filter or specification of a cookie in HTTP Requests.


  • name

    string optional

    Name of a cookie.

  • value

    string optional

    Value of a cookie, may be padded in double-quotes.


Matches network events by various criteria.


  • constructor


    The constructor function looks like: (arg: RequestMatcher) => {...}

  • contentType

    string[] optional

    Matches if the MIME media type of a response (from the HTTP Content-Type header) is contained in the list.

  • excludeContentType

    string[] optional

    Matches if the MIME media type of a response (from the HTTP Content-Type header) is not contained in the list.

  • excludeRequestHeaders

    HeaderFilter[] optional

    Matches if none of the request headers is matched by any of the HeaderFilters.

  • excludeResponseHeaders

    HeaderFilter[] optional

    Matches if none of the response headers is matched by any of the HeaderFilters.

  • firstPartyForCookiesUrl

    UrlFilter optional


    Ignored since release 82.

    Matches if the conditions of the UrlFilter are fulfilled for the 'first party' URL of the request. The 'first party' URL of a request, when present, can be different from the request's target URL, and describes what is considered 'first party' for the sake of third-party checks for cookies.

  • requestHeaders

    HeaderFilter[] optional

    Matches if some of the request headers is matched by one of the HeaderFilters.

  • resourceType

    ResourceType[] optional

    Matches if the request type of a request is contained in the list. Requests that cannot match any of the types will be filtered out.

  • responseHeaders

    HeaderFilter[] optional

    Matches if some of the response headers is matched by one of the HeaderFilters.

  • stages

    Stage[] optional

    Contains a list of strings describing stages. Allowed values are 'onBeforeRequest', 'onBeforeSendHeaders', 'onHeadersReceived', 'onAuthRequired'. If this attribute is present, then it limits the applicable stages to those listed. Note that the whole condition is only applicable in stages compatible with all attributes.

  • thirdPartyForCookies

    boolean optional


    Ignored since release 87.

    If set to true, matches requests that are subject to third-party cookie policies. If set to false, matches all other requests.

  • url

    UrlFilter optional

    Matches if the conditions of the UrlFilter are fulfilled for the URL of the request.


A specification of a cookie in HTTP Responses.


  • domain

    string optional

    Value of the Domain cookie attribute.

  • expires

    string optional

    Value of the Expires cookie attribute.

  • httpOnly

    string optional

    Existence of the HttpOnly cookie attribute.

  • maxAge

    number optional

    Value of the Max-Age cookie attribute

  • name

    string optional

    Name of a cookie.

  • path

    string optional

    Value of the Path cookie attribute.

  • secure

    string optional

    Existence of the Secure cookie attribute.

  • value

    string optional

    Value of a cookie, may be padded in double-quotes.


Triggers the declarativeWebRequest.onMessage event.



Sets the request header of the specified name to the specified value. If a header with the specified name did not exist before, a new one is created. Header name comparison is always case-insensitive. Each request header name occurs only once in each request.













  callback: function,

Fired when a message is sent via declarativeWebRequest.SendMessageToExtension from an action of the declarative web request API.


  • callback


    The callback parameter looks like: (details: object) => void

    • details


      • documentId

        string optional

        A UUID of the document that made the request.

      • The lifecycle the document is in.

      • frameId


        The value 0 indicates that the request happens in the main frame; a positive value indicates the ID of a subframe in which the request happens. If the document of a (sub-)frame is loaded (type is main_frame or sub_frame), frameId indicates the ID of this frame, not the ID of the outer frame. Frame IDs are unique within a tab.

      • The type of frame the navigation occurred in.

      • message


        The message sent by the calling script.

      • method


        Standard HTTP method.

      • parentDocumentId

        string optional

        A UUID of the parent document owning this frame. This is not set if there is no parent.

      • parentFrameId


        ID of frame that wraps the frame which sent the request. Set to -1 if no parent frame exists.

      • requestId


        The ID of the request. Request IDs are unique within a browser session. As a result, they could be used to relate different events of the same request.

      • stage

        The stage of the network request during which the event was triggered.

      • tabId


        The ID of the tab in which the request takes place. Set to -1 if the request isn't related to a tab.

      • timeStamp


        The time when this signal is triggered, in milliseconds since the epoch.

      • How the requested resource will be used.

      • url



Provides the Declarative Event API consisting of addRules, removeRules, and getRules.


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