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Extension development overview

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The Chrome Web Store no longer accepts Manifest V2 extensions. Please use Manifest V3 when building new extensions. You will find a section on upgrading in the navigation tree at the left, including the Manifest V2 support timeline.

After reading the Getting Started tutorial and Overview, use this guide as an outline to extension components and abilities. Developers are encouraged to explore and expand extension functionality.

Customize extension user interface
Browser ActionsAdd an icon, tooltip, badge, and popup to the toolbar.
CommandsAdd keyboard shortcuts that trigger actions.
Context MenusAdd items to Google Chrome's context menu.
OmniboxAdd keyword functionality to the address bar.
Override PagesCreate a version of the New Tab, Bookmark, or History page.
Page ActionsDynamically display icons in the toolbar.
Build extension utilities
Accessibility (a11y)Make an extension accessible to people with disabilities.
Background ScriptsDetect and react when something interesting happens.
InternationalizationWork with language and locale.
IdentityGet OAuth2 access tokens.
ManagementManage extensions that are installed and running.
Message PassingCommunicate from a content script to its parent extension, or vice versa.
Options PagesLet users customize an extension.
PermissionsModify an extension's permissions.
StorageStore and retrieve data.
Modify and observe the Chrome Browser
BookmarksCreate, organize, and manipulate bookmark behavior.
Browsing DataRemove browsing data from a user's local profile.
DownloadsProgrammatically initiate, monitor, manipulate, and search for downloads.
Font SettingsManage Chrome's font settings.
HistoryInteract with the browser's record of visited pages.
PrivacyControl Chrome privacy features.
ProxyManage Chrome's proxy settings.
SessionsQuery and restore tabs and windows from a browsing session.
TabsCreate, modify, and rearrange tabs in the browser.
Top SitesAccess users most visited URLs.
ThemesChange the overall appearance of the browser.
WindowsCreate, modify, and rearrange windows in the browser.
Modify and observe the web
Active TabSecurely access websites by removing most needs for <all_urls> host permission.
Content SettingsCustomize websites features such as cookies, JavaScript, and plugins.
Content ScriptsRun JavaScript code in the context of web pages.
CookiesExplore and modify the browser's cookie system.
Cross-Origin XHRUse XMLHttpRequest to send and receive data from remote servers.
Declarative ContentPerform actions on the content of a page without requiring permission.
Desktop CaptureCapture content of screen, individual windows or tabs.
Page CaptureSave a tab's source information as MHTML.
Tab CaptureInteract with tab media streams.
Web NavigationStatus updates of navigation requests in-flight.
Web RequestObserve and analyze traffic. Intercept block, or modify requests in-flight.
Package, deploy and update
Chrome Web StoreHosting and updating extensions with the Chrome Web Store.
Other Deployment OptionsDistribute extensions on a designated network or with other software.
Expand Chrome DevTools
DebuggerInstrument network interaction, debug JavaScript, mutate the DOM and CSS.
DevtoolsAdd features to Chrome Developer Tools.

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