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欢迎 What's new in Chrome extensions Get help with Chrome extensions API reference Samples

Update your code

Updates that are unrelated to other issues

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This is the first of three sections describing changes needed for code that is not part of the extension service worker. This section is for required code changes that are unrelated to other issues. The next two sections cover replacing blocking web requests and improving security.

Replace tabs.executeScript() with scripting.executeScript()

In Manifest V3, executeScript() moves from the tabs API to the scripting API. This requires changes to permissions in the manifest file in addition to actual code changes.

For the executeScript() method you need:

  • The "scripting" permission.
  • Either host permissions or the "activeTab" permission.

The scripting.executeScript() method is similar to how it worked with tabs.executeScript(). There are a few differences.

  • While the old method could only take a single file, the new method can take an array of files.
  • You also pass a ScriptInjection object instead of InjectDetails. There are multiple differences between the two. For example, the tabId is now passed as a member of ScriptInjection.target instead of as a method argument.

The example shows how to do this.

Manifest V2

async function getCurrentTab() {/* ... */}
let tab = await getCurrentTab();

file: 'content-script.js'

In a background script file.

Manifest V3

async function getCurrentTab()
let tab = await getCurrentTab();

target: {tabId: tab.id},
files: ['content-script.js']

In the extension service worker.

Replace tabs.insertCSS() and tabs.removeCSS() with scripting.insertCSS() and scripting.removeCSS()

In Manifest V3, insertCSS() and removeCSS() move from the tabs API to the scripting API. This requires changes to permissions in the manifest file in addition to code changes:

  • The "scripting" permission.
  • Either host permissions or the "activeTab" permission.

The functions on the scripting API are similar to the functions on tabs. There are a few differences.

  • When calling these methods, you pass a CSSInjection object instead of InjectDetails.
  • The tabId is now passed as a member of CSSInjection.target instead of as a method argument.

The example shows how to do this for insertCSS(). The procedure for removeCSS() is the same.

Manifest V2

chrome.tabs.insertCSS(tabId, injectDetails, () => {
// callback code

In a background script file.

Manifest V3

const insertPromise = await chrome.scripting.insertCSS({
files: ["style.css"],
target: { tabId: tab.id }
// Remaining code.

In the extension service worker.

Replace Browser Actions and Page Actions with Actions

Browser actions and page actions were separate concepts in Manifest V2. Though they started with distinct roles, the differences between them decreased over time. In Manifest V3, these concepts are consolidated into the Action API. This requires changes in your manifest.json and extension code that is different from what you would have put in your Manifest V2 background script.

Actions in Manifest V3 most closely resemble browser actions; however, the action API does not provide hide() and show() as pageAction did. If you still need page actions, you can either emulate them using declarative content or call enable() or disable() with a tab ID.

Replace "browser_action" and "page_action" with "action"

In the manifest.json replace the "browser_action" and "page_action" fields with the "action" field. Consult the reference for information on the "action" field.

Manifest V2

"page_action": { ... },
"browser_action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html"

Manifest V3

"action": {
"default_popup": "popup.html"


Replace the browserAction and pageAction APIs with the action API

Where your Manifest V2 used the browserAction and pageAction APIs, you should now use the action API.

Manifest V2

chrome.browserAction.onClicked.addListener(tab => { ... });
chrome.pageAction.onClicked.addListener(tab => { ... });

Manifest V3

chrome.action.onClicked.addListener(tab => { ... });

Replace functions that expect a Manifest V2 background context

Other extension contexts can only interact with extension service workers using message passing. Consequently, you'll need to replace calls that expect a background context, specifically:

  • chrome.runtime.getBackgroundPage()
  • chrome.extension.getBackgroundPage()
  • chrome.extension.getExtensionTabs()

Your extension scripts should use message passing to communicate between a service worker and other parts of your extension. Currently that entails using sendMessage() and implementing chrome.runtime.onMessage in your extension service worker. Long term, you should plan to replace these calls with postMessage() and a service worker's message event handler.

Replace unsupported APIs

The methods and properties listed below need to change in Manifest V3.

Manifest V2 method or propertyReplace with
chrome.extension.lastErrorWhere methods return promises, use promise.catch()
chrome.runtime.onSuspend (background scripts)Not supported in extension service workers. Use the beforeunload document event instead.

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