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View and edit session storage

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This guide shows you how to use Chrome DevTools to view, edit, and delete sessionStorage key-value pairs.

View sessionStorage keys and values

  1. Click the Application tab to open the Application panel. Expand the Session Storage menu.

    The Session Storage Menu

    Figure 1. The Session Storage menu shows two domains: https://developers.google.com and https://www.youtube.com

  2. Click a domain to view its key-value pairs.

    The sessionStorage key-value pairs for the https://www.youtube.com domain

    Figure 2. The sessionStorage key-value pairs for the https://www.youtube.com domain

  3. Click a row of the table to view the value in the viewer below the table.

    Viewing the value of the yt-remote-cast-available key

    Figure 3. Viewing the value of the yt-remote-cast-available key

Create a new sessionStorage key-value pair

  1. View a domain's sessionStorage key-value pairs.

  2. Double-click the empty part of the table. DevTools creates a new row and focuses your cursor in the Key column.

    The empty part of the table to double-click in order to create a new key-value pair

    Figure 4. The empty part of the table to double-click in order to create a new key-value pair

Edit sessionStorage keys or values

  1. View a domain's sessionStorage key-value pairs.

  2. Double-click a cell in the Key or Value column to edit that key or value.

    Editing a sessionStorage key

    Figure 5. Editing a sessionStorage key

Delete sessionStorage key-value pairs

  1. View a domain's sessionStorage key-value pairs.
  2. Click the key-value pair that you want to delete. DevTools highlights it blue to indicate that it's selected.
  3. Press the Delete key or click Delete Selected Delete Selected.

Delete all sessionStorage key-value pairs for a domain

  1. View a domain's sessionStorage key-value pairs.
  2. Click Clear All Clear All.

Interact with sessionStorage from the Console

Since you can run JavaScript in the Console, and since the Console has access to the page's JavaScript contexts, it's possible to interact with sessionStorage from the Console.

  1. Use the JavaScript contexts menu to change the JavaScript context of the Console if you want to access the sessionStorage key-value pairs of a domain other than the page you're on.

    Changing the JavaScript context of the Console

    Figure 6. Changing the JavaScript context of the Console

  2. Run your sessionStorage expressions in the Console, the same as you would in your JavaScript.

    Interacting with sessionStorage from the Console

    Figure 7. Interacting with sessionStorage from the Console

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