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Overview Open Chrome DevTools What's New in DevTools DevTools tips Simulate mobile devices with Device Mode Performance insights: Get actionable insights on your website's performance Lighthouse: Optimize website speed Animations: Inspect and modify CSS animation effects Changes: Track your HTML, CSS, and JavaScript changes Coverage: Find unused JavaScript and CSS CSS Overview: Identify potential CSS improvements Issues: Find and fix problems Media: View and debug media players information Memory Inspector: Inspect ArrayBuffer, TypedArray, DataView, and Wasm Memory. Network conditions: Override the user agent string Security: Understand security issues Search: Find text across all loaded resources Sensors: Emulate device sensors WebAuthn: Emulate authenticators Customize DevTools Engineering blog

Settings overview

Published on

DevTools settings let you control the behavior of both individual panels and DevTools in general.

The Settings. Settings panel has several tabs described in the following sections:

Open Settings

To open Settings. Settings:

  1. Open DevTools on any page.

  2. Click the Settings. Settings button in the action bar at the top.

    The Settings button in the action bar at the top of DevTools.

    Be careful not to confuse general DevTools settings with panel settings. DevTools settings are on the topmost action bar.

    General DevTools settings on the topmost action bar and panel settings on the panel's action bar.
  3. Alternatively, when focused in DevTools, press:

    • ?
    • F1 on Windows or Linux
    • Fn + F1 on Mac

The Settings panel opens.

The Settings panel.

Use the Command Menu to access settings faster

The Command Menu is a faster alternative to accessing many of the settings. In particular, if you remember the name of the settings or even its value but don't remember where the setting is.

To quickly change a setting:

  1. Open the Command Menu.
  2. Start typing the setting's name or its value, select a suggested option, and press Enter.

For example, to set the DevTools UI language to Chinese, type Chinese and select an option.

Options for a Chinese DevTools UI locale.

These commands directly set the value of Settings. Settings > Preferences > Appearance > Language.

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