Test back/forward cache
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This guide shows you how to use Chrome DevTools to do the following:
- Test if you optimized your page for instant loads when using the browser's back and forward buttons.
- Identify issues that may prevent your page from being eligible for this type of caching.
Back/forward cache (or bfcache) is a browser optimization that enables instant back and forward navigation. For more information, see Back/forward cache.
Back/forward cache differs from browser cache and HTTP cache.
To inspect cache data, follow the steps in View cache data.
To inspect HTTP cache data, open the Size column of the Network Log. See Log network activity.
Test back/forward cache
To test back/forward cache, follow these steps:
On your page, open DevTools, then navigate to Application > Background services > Back/forward cache.
Click Test back/forward cache.
Chrome automatically takes you to
and back to your page.Alternatively, you can click the browser's back and forward buttons.
If the back/forward cache works for your page with no issues, you'll see the following message:

Otherwise, you'll see a list of issues.
To find out which issues affect which frames, expand the Frames section.

Resolve issues that prevent caching
If your page isn't eligible for back/forward caching, the Back/forward cache tab shows you a list with three types of causes:

- Actionable. You can fix these issues to enable caching. For example, stop using
events. - Pending Support. Chrome doesn't support these features yet, so they prevent caching. However, once supported, Chrome removes these limitations.
- Not Actionable. You can't fix these issues on this page. Something that is outside the page's control prevents caching.
To find out which frame is the blocker, expand the corresponding section under the issue's description.

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