Release notes

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The CrUX dataset on BigQuery is updated on the second Tuesday of every month. Each release is numbered according to the year and calendar month of the data collection period, for example 201912 corresponds to the UX data collected during December 2019 and would be released on the second Tuesday of January 2020 after the data collection period has ended.

In the list below, we've curated some release notes for each monthly dataset. Subscribe to our CrUX Announce mailing list or follow @ChromeUXReport on Twitter for release Announcements. The CrUX dataset on BigQuery is generally updated on the second Tuesday of every month. Each release is numbered according to the year and calendar month of the data collection period, for example 201912 corresponds to the UX data collected during December 2019 and would be released on the second Tuesday of January 2020 after the data collection period has ended.

In the list below, we've curated some release notes for each monthly dataset. Subscribe to our CrUX Announce mailing list or follow @ChromeUXReport on Twitter for release Announcements.



Publication date
March 14, 2023
What's new
  • We're seeing further improvements to the good INP rate which has increased by 2.3% to 77.3% of origins due to the improvement in the Chrome scheduler mentioned last month, which was still rolling out during February.
Notable stats
  • 18,184,396 origins



Publication date
February 14, 2023
What's new
  • Good INP increased by 4.3% to 75.6% of origins, primarily due to an improvement in the Chrome scheduler. The next frame is now scheduled with highest priority after discrete input events, which shortens the lag between input event and visual update.
  • This month we've launched a CrUX History API, which provides 25 weeks of historical data at both origin and URL level. We've written a post detailing how to use this new API, and a Colab showing you an example of how to plot this historical data in various graphs.
Notable stats
  • 18,203,637 origins



Publication date
January 10, 2023
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 16,824,271 origins



Publication date
December 13, 2022
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 17,618,944 origins



Publication date
November 8, 2022
What's new
  • In this release we have further broken down our "rank" popularity. Previously these were in groupings of log 10 (i.e. top 1,000 sites, top 10,000, top 100,000 sites, … up to top 100 million sites). From this release these are provided in half-rank steps (i.e. top 1,000 sites, top 5,000 sites, top 10,000, top 50,000 sites, top 100,000 sites, top 500,000 sites… up to top 100 million sites). The top rank (1,000) will not be altered with this change (i.e. we are not providing a top 500 rank).
Notable stats
  • 17,637,195 origins



Publication date
October 11, 2022
What's new
  • The CrUX API now includes collectionPeriod object showing what day's data is included in the response as shown below. More details in the CrUX API docs.
    "collectionPeriod": {
"firstDate": {
"year": 2022,
"month": 9,
"day": 12
"lastDate": {
"year": 2022,
"month": 10,
"day": 9
Notable stats
  • 17,715,277 origins



Publication date
September 13, 2022
Notable stats
  • 16,754,655 origins



Publication date
August 09, 2022
What's new
  • This release includes a change which records the CLS metric when the tab is backgrounded in addition to tab close. See the CLS changelog for details.
  • We have identified a bug in our origin filtering which unfortunately affects a small number of origins, including some popular ones, which are missing from this release. We hope to get this fixed for future releases.
Notable stats
  • 16,190,453 origins



Publication date
July 13, 2022
What's new
  • The number of origins covered by the CrUX dataset increases once again in this release due to the optional dimensions feature introduced in the previous release. We expect the size to be much more stable from here. Please see the announcement as well.
Notable stats
  • 16,230,572 origins



Publication date
June 14, 2022
What's new
  • The percentage of origins having good LCP experiences increased this month by 2.4%, thanks in large part to an improvement in the performance of Chrome on Android. This was a major contributing factor to the percentage of origins having good Core Web Vitals increasing by 2.1%.
  • With this release, CrUX records no longer require effective connection type and form factor, so we're including data for which these fields are NULL, indicating all effective connection types or form factors, respectively. This allows us to increase origin coverage by 28.2%.
  • An unrelated issue with our data pipeline prevents us from adding new origins in this release, so we're only including origins for which we published data in the previous 6 months. Due to this, experimental.popularity.rank has some gaps, e.g. there are only 904 origins in the top 1,000. This is unique to the 202205 release and should be fixed next month.
Notable stats
  • 11,024,795 origins
  • 42% of origins have good Core Web Vitals



Publication date
May 3, 2022
What's new
  • This release includes experimental.interaction_to_next_paint, our updated responsiveness metric.
  • experimental_interaction_to_next_paint in the CrUX API, with thresholds 200ms and 500ms.
  • experimental_time_to_first_Byte in the CrUX API, with thresholds 800ms and 1800ms.
Notable stats
  • 8,602,902 origins



Publication date
April 12, 2022
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 8,555,307 origins



Publication date
March 8, 2022
What's new
  • This release includes experimental.responsiveness, our candidate for the new responsiveness metric. See for details.
Notable stats
  • 8,764,246 origins



Publication date
February 8, 2022
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 8,934,350 origins



Publication date
January 11, 2022
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 8,398,796 origins



Publication date
December 14, 2021
What's new
  • We've removed the old CLS metric: experimental.uncapped_cumulative_layout_shift is no longer in this BigQuery release, and CrUX API no longer serves experimental_uncapped_cumulative_layout_shift. Use the current CLS metric instead.
  • An LCP fix rolled out with M96.
Notable stats
  • 8,733,078 origins



Publication date
November 9, 2021
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 8,784,894 origins



Publication date
October 12, 2021
What's new
  • There was a change to FCP in Chrome that ignores content with a style of opacity:0, increasing the user-perceived accuracy of the metric. Read more about it in the Chrome Speed change log.
Notable stats
  • 8,660,068 origins



Publication date
September 14, 2021
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 8,431,699 origins



Publication date
August 10, 2021
What's new
  • No significant updates in this release.
Notable stats
  • 8,174,923 origins



Publication date
July 13, 2021
What's new
  • Changes to the FID metric took effect in Chrome 91, resulting in improved FID experiences involving double-tap-to-zoom on mobile.
Notable stats
  • 8,416,608 origins



Publication date
June 8, 2021
Notable stats
  • 8,411,670 origins
Notable Changes
  • The BigQuery update 202105 includes the same CLS and LCP updates that we released on June 1 for the CrUX API (see below). The previous CLS metric will be available for a limited time as experimental.uncapped_cumulative_layout_shift.
API Update
June 1, 2021
Notable Changes
  • The new Cumulative Layout Shift definition is now the default metric surfaced as cumulative_layout_shift, the previous Cumulative Layout Shift metric will be available for a limited time as it is phased out as experimental_uncapped_cumulative_layout_shift.
  • First Contentful Paint tri-binning thresholds have been updated to be: [0-1.8s], (1.8s-3s), [3s-∞].



Publication date
May 11, 2021
Notable stats
  • 8,423,302 origins



Publication date
April 13, 2021
Notable stats
  • 8,326,310 origins



Publication date
March 9, 2021
What's new
  • Coarse origin ranking data will be available in the CrUX dataset on BigQuery, starting in the February 2021 (202102) release. With this feature, we'll be able to unlock new insights into the aggregate user experiences of the head, torso, and tail of the web. All origins in the global and per-country tables will be assigned rank magnitude values under the experimental namespace, experimental.popularity.rank. Values will be powers of 10, starting with the top 1,000, then 10,000, 100,000, and so on. For example, a rank magnitude of 10,000 means that an origin is among the top 10,000 most visited origins in the dataset (learn more).
Notable stats
  • 8,264,371 origins



Publication date
February 10, 2021
Notable stats
  • 8,185,540 origins



Publication date
January 12, 2021
Notable stats
  • 7,629,156 origins



Publication date
December 8, 2020
What's new
  • The API results were frozen for a few days at the end of November and the issue has since been fixed.
Notable stats
  • 7,942,408 origins



Publication date
November 10, 2020
What's new
Notable stats
  • 8,050,755 origins



Publication date
October 13, 2020
What's new
  • No major changes in this release!
Notable stats
  • 7,937,088 origins



Publication date
September 9, 2020
What's new
  • There was a bump in origin coverage this month (+3.3%) due in part to a data pipeline change. Previously, for a user experience record to be included in the dataset, it must have included FP, DCL, and OL measurements. Now, the only required metric is FCP. This change helps to ensure that we're capturing more meaningful user experiences.
Notable stats
  • 7,773,359 origins



Publication date
August 11, 2020
What's new
  • No major changes in this release!
Notable stats
  • 7,527,878 origins



Publication date
July 14, 2020
What's new
  • User experiences served from Google's AMP cache are now attributed to the publisher's origin in CrUX. Effects will vary depending on the amount of AMP cache traffic relative to the rest of the website, but most origins see less than a 5 percentage point change in Core Web Vitals performance, with most effects being positive.
Notable stats
  • 7,501,835 origins



Publication date
June 9, 2020
What's new
  • There were two LCP updates, which should have a minimal effect on most origins
  • There was one FID update, which may result in some sites observing faster FID experiences
Notable stats
  • 7,103,486 origins



Publication date
May 12, 2020
What's new
  • There was a small improvement to the way LCP is measured in M81. This may manifest itself in your CrUX data as a slight shift in slower LCP or in rare cases too few LCP samples to include for your origin.
  • Introducing Web Vitals! CrUX is committed to providing you with all of your Core Web Vital metrics to give you an accurate picture of how real users experience the web.
  • Do you query data on a per-country basis? Give the new table a try! It's optimized to make querying across country and monthly datasets super easy.
Notable stats
  • 6,389,861 origins



Publication date
April 14, 2020
What's new
  • CLS histogram start/end values changed from INT64 to NUMERIC type and divided by 100. This change aligns CLS with the fractional layout shift values provided by the Layout Instability API.
Notable stats
  • 5,937,298 origins


Publication date
March 10, 2020
Notable stats
  • 6,366,736 origins


Publication date
February 11, 2020
What's new
Notable stats
  • 5,976,293 origins


Notable stats
  • 5,532,155 origins


Notable stats
  • 5,821,306 origins
What's new
  • The FID metric was moved from experimental.first_input_delay to first_input.delay
  • The CLS metric was moved from experimental.cumulative_layout_shift to layout_instability.cumulative_layout_shift


Notable stats
  • 5,752,729 origins


Notable stats
  • 6,008,004 origins
What's new
  • The LCP metric was launched as largest_contentful_paint
  • CLS was updated to take move distance into account. Coverage may be lower while Chrome users upgrade to the latest version of the Layout Instability API


Notable stats
  • 6,011,463 origins
What's new
  • FID coverage has returned to normal
  • The average percent of fast experiences for most metrics dropped by about 2%, this appears to be due to a bug in Chrome


Notable stats
  • 5,612,504 origins
What's new
  • There was an incremental update to Chrome's FID implementation, which included pointer events on mobile. Coverage will be lower while Chrome users update to the latest version


Notable stats
  • 5,624,797 origins
What's new
  • The TTFB metric was added to the list of experimental metrics as experimental.time_to_first_byte


Notable stats
  • 5,884,155 origins
What's new
  • The CLS metric was added to the list of experimental metrics as experimental.cumulative_layout_shift


Notable stats
  • 5,744,982 origins
What's new
  • There was an incremental update to Chrome's FID implementation. Coverage will be lower while Chrome users update to the latest version


Notable stats
  • 5,703,255 origins
What's new
  • There was an incremental update to Chrome's FID implementation. Coverage will be lower while Chrome users update to the latest version


Notable stats
  • 5,464,560 origins


Notable stats
  • 5,351,287 origins


Notable stats
  • 4,654,112 origins


Notable stats
  • 4,697,003 origins


Notable stats
  • 4,374,729 origins


Notable stats
  • 4,375,805 origins


Notable stats
  • 4,386,422 origins
What's new
  • Histogram bins have been normalized to consistent widths (more info)


Notable stats
  • 4,202,945 origins


Notable stats
  • 4,134,123 origins
What's new
  • The FID metric was added to the list of experimental metrics as experimental.first_input_delay (learn more)


Notable stats
  • 4,162,633 origins


Notable stats
  • 3,970,181 origins


Notable stats
  • 3,589,954 origins


Notable stats
  • 3,237,524 origins


Notable stats
  • 3,086,603 origins
What's new


Notable stats
  • 1,939,945 origins


Notable stats
  • 1,237,407 origins
What's new


Notable stats
  • 10,000 origins
What's new

Updated on Improve article

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