Updates to developers.google.com/web
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We launched WebFundamentals two years ago to help ensure that developers had the latest guidance on how to build great sites and apps that worked well on desktop, but more importantly, on mobile.
A lot has chanced since then, the mobile web experience has improved dramatically and it's opened up a ton of new possibilities. Service workers let us build a web that is instant and reliable. Progressive Web Apps raise the bar for building amazing web experiences.
Last week, we launched a new visual design for WebFundamentals to make it easier for you to find the content you're looking for, and get the information you need. We updated content to ensure it's accurate and added a number of new articles to help you build better web experiences and amazing Progressive Web Apps.
Some of the new content includes:
- A brand new Accessibility section, covering the fundamentals of focus, semantics, and ARIA.
- Refined the tools section - so you can find all the latest and greatest information about Chrome DevTools and libraries such as sw-precache and sw-toolbox
- Updated our Progressive Web Apps guidance including an Offline cookbook, a Service Worker life-cycle guide, an introduction to App Shell and a getting started guide for Shadow DOM and Web Push
- Added a new Instant and Reliable Loading section, and updated our guidance on hardware integrations with guidance on using cameras and microphones, as well as created a new UX Basics guide.
Of course, we still have lots of work to do, there's new guidance that needs to be developed, new content that needs to be written, and issues that need to be fixed. But, we're working on it.
One of the goals for this update was to make it easier for you to contribute. We've majorly simplified the development process, removing many of the pre-req's that used to exist and shortened the deployment process. If you find an issue, you can either file it in our issue tracker or fix it yourself and submit a pull request to our WebFundamentals GitHub repository.
As we create and update developers.google.com/web we also have to think about the future of our other resources. Many of you will know that our team created and, through the community, supported the growth of HTML5Rocks but over the last two years it has seen no updates. We've already migrated updates.html5rocks.com to Web Updates and we are working to move additional content from HTML5Rocks to here. We've added support for HTTPS to HTML5Rocks, and are commited to ensuring that the great content that's there, won't disappear.
I personally want to thank our contributors, the developers who have helped translate content, and you. Your feedback, bug reports, translations, new content, questions, and the content you've contributed to HTML5Rocks and WebFundamentals has been invaluable. We couldn't have done it without your help! Thank you!
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