The Yeoman Monthly Digest
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Allo’ Allo’ and Happy Holidays! Welcome to the second issue of the Yeoman monthly digest – our regular round-up of articles, tips, generators and videos to help you stay on top of what’s new with your favourite man-in-a-hat. We hope you find the updates below helpful!
Grunt pro-tips
It’s tempting to try every Grunt plug-in out there – there’s a bajillion! It’s also easy to get carried away. Before you know it, you’re staring at your terminal far longer than you used to be, waiting for your tasks to complete. It can be frustrating during your build, but super frustrating during your watch.
Fortunately, the community has been working towards speeding up your development cycle even more.
- Reduce your Grunt compilation time with this custom task trick
- Use grunt-newer to only run Grunt tasks on files that changed
- Run tasks concurrently with grunt-concurrent so multiple tasks can be run simultaneously
Some other tips:
- Use load-grunt-tasks to load multiple tasks automatically rather than
-ing it yourself - Reuse multiple Grunt environments across multiple projects
Building a Chrome Extension with the Yeoman Chrome Extension generator
Web App with the dream team: Angular, Cordova, Yeoman and TopCoat
yo 1.0.7-pre is now available for testing on npm and we look forward to talking more about our roadmap for 2014 in the coming weeks. In the mean time, there's lots of juicy new updates to both our official generators and those you've been authoring below.

Official generator updates
- Backbone 0.2.2 released with RequireJS + CoffeeScript support & --appPath option
- AngularJS 0.7.1 with support for Angular 1.2.6 and grunt-bower-install
- Ember.js 0.8.0 released. Scaffolding updated to Ember 1.2 syntax, improved CoffeeScript support, templating, REST routes
- WebApp 0.4.5 and 0.4.6 including improved HTMLMin, bower install fixes and grunt-bower-install support for CSS dependencies
- Polymer generator 0.0.8 with Web Component concatenation and other updates
- Chrome app 0.2.5 - proper support for livereload, rewritten app generator, build task for packaging, new permissions code and more.
Other official generators including jQuery, Gruntfile, CommonJS, NodeJS and Mocha have also been updated.
Featured Community generators
- Zurb Foundation
- Gulp plugin
- RevealJS
- Browserify projects
- InuitCSS
- Ghost blogs
- Ghost themes
- Laravel projects
- Three.js
- React
- Assemble
- MarionetteJS
- MariaJS 2.0
- Simple webapps
- Drupal themes
- JHipster Yeoman / Maven / Spring / Angular
- AWS Provision AWS backends for webapps
- Sencha touch apps
- Yomonger a generator for Modox themes
StackOverflow answers
yo newyear
That's a wrap! If there are Yeoman resources you would like to suggest for the next issue, please feel free to suggest them to @yeoman on Twitter and we’ll be sure to check em’ out. Happy Holidays and have a fantastic new year!
With special thanks to Stephen Sawchuk, Sindre Sorhus and Pascal Hartig for their review of this issue
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