Update to the CanMakePayment event behavior of the Payment Handler API

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The Payment Handler API allows payment providers to make their custom payment experience available for merchants, along with the Payment Request API. When the Payment Request API is initialized via the new PaymentRequest() constructor, it silently fires a canmakepayment event with the merchant's origin and arbitrary data to a service worker that is registered for the Payment Handler API. This cross-origin communication does not require a user gesture and does not show any user interface.

Chrome is going to remove the identifying fields from canmakepayment event and start the origin trial from Chrome 108.

The information on this page only applies to the payment app providers that use the Payment Handler API. If you don't use it, you can skip these instructions.

What's changing?

When a merchant calls new PaymentRequest(), a registered service worker receives a canmakepayment event (CanMakePaymentEvent) that contains following information:

  • topOrigin
  • paymentRequestOrigin
  • methodData
  • modifiers

These are going to be removed and the service worker will simply receive the canmakepayment event without any additional information.

Feature detection

To detect whether the canmakepayment event is changed in the service worker code, examine respective properties like so:

self.addEventListener(e => {
if (e.paymentRequestOrigin) {...}
if (e.topOrigin) {...}
if (e.methodData && e.methodData.length > 0) {...}
if (e.modifiers && e.modifiers.length > 0) {...}

Try out the change locally

To enable the change locally for development purposes:

  1. Use Chrome 108, 109, or 110.
  2. Enter chrome://flags/#clear-identity-in-can-make-payment in the URL bar.
  3. Enable the flag.
  4. Relaunch Chrome.

By enabling the flag, the identity fields in the canmakepayment event will be emptied-out (and the Android IS_READY_TO_PAY Intent).

Enable the change in production

You can also enable the change in production for testing purposes before it actually lands in Chrome. This mechanism is called an origin trial.

Origin trials allow you to try new features and give feedback on their usability, practicality, and effectiveness to the web standards community. For more information, see the Origin Trials Guide for Web Developers. To sign up for this or another origin trial, visit the registration page.

To register an origin trial:

  1. Request a token for your origin.
  2. Add the token to your service worker JavaScript file using an Origin-Trial HTTP header. Setting HTTP headers requires access to configuring your server. The resulting response header should look something like:
Origin-Trial: Auw/tjTQ2eJQ911wiMHi1Bb7i71...

To see the origin trial token on the service worker file, use the DevTools or the curl command like so:

$ curl --head <Service Worker JS file URL> | grep -i origin-trial
origin-trial: Auw/tjTQ2eJQ911wiMHi1Bb7i71...

Re-enable the identity fields locally after Chrome 111

If you are using Chrome 111 or later, the identity fields in the canmakepayment event are left empty. To re-enable the fields locally, you can do the following:

  1. Use Chrome 111 or later.
  2. Enter chrome://flags/#add-identity-in-can-make-payment in the URL bar.
  3. Enable the flag.
  4. Relaunch Chrome.

Next steps

This change is planned to be enabled by default from Chrome 111. You can start testing today to be prepared for the change in time for the launch.

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