What's New In DevTools (Chrome 68)

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New to DevTools in Chrome 68:

Note: Check what version of Chrome you're running at chrome://version. If you're running an earlier version, these features won't exist. If you're running a later version, these features may have changed. Chrome auto-updates to a new major version about every 6 weeks.

Read on, or watch the video version of the release notes, below.

Assistive Console

Chrome 68 ships with a few new Console features related to autocompletion and previewing.

Eager Evaluation

When you type an expression in the Console, the Console can now show a preview of the result of that expression below your cursor.

The Console is printing the result of the sort() operation before it has been explicitly executed.

Figure 1. The Console is printing the result of the sort() operation before it has been explicitly executed

To enable Eager Evaluation:

  1. Open the Console.
  2. Open Console Settings The Console Settings button.
  3. Enable the Eager evaluation checkbox.

DevTools does not eager evaluate if the expression causes side effects.

Argument hints

As you're typing out functions, the Console now shows you the arguments that the function expects.

Argument hints in the Console.

Figure 2. Various examples of argument hints in the Console


  • A question mark before an arg, such as ?options, represents an optional arg.
  • An ellipsis before an arg, such as ...items, represents a spread.
  • Some functions, such as CSS.supports(), accept multiple argument signatures.

Autocomplete after function executions

Note: This feature depends on Eager Evaluation, which needs to be enabled from Console Settings Console Settings.

After enabling Eager Evaluation, the Console now also shows you which properties and functions are available after you type out a function.

After running document.querySelector('p'), the Console can now show you the available properties and functions for that element.

Figure 3. The top screenshot represents the old behavior, and the bottom screenshot represents the new behavior that supports function autocompletion

ES2017 keywords in autocomplete

ES2017 keywords, such as await, are now available in the Console's autocomplete UI.

The Console now suggests 'await' in its autocomplete UI.

Figure 4. The Console now suggests await in its autocomplete UI

Faster, more reliable audits, a new UI, and new audits

Chrome 68 ships with Lighthouse 3.0. The next sections are a roundup of some of the biggest changes. See Announcing Lighthouse 3.0 for the full story.

Faster, more reliable audits

Lighthouse 3.0 has a new internal auditing engine, codenamed Lantern, which completes your audits faster, and with less variance between runs.

New UI

Lighthouse 3.0 also brings a new UI, thanks to a collaboration between the Lighthouse and Chrome UX (Research & Design) teams.

The new report UI in Lighthouse 3.0.

Figure 5. The new report UI in Lighthouse 3.0

New audits

Lighthouse 3.0 also ships with 4 new audits:

  • First Contentful Paint
  • robots.txt is not valid
  • Use video formats for animated content
  • Avoid multiple, costly round trips to any origin

BigInt support

Note: This isn't a DevTools features per se, but it is a new JavaScript capability that you can try out in the Console.

Chrome 68 supports a new numeric primitive called BigInt. BigInt lets you represent integers with arbitrary precision. Try it out in the Console:

An example of BigInt in the Console.

Figure 6. An example of BigInt in the Console

Add property path to watch

While paused on a breakpoint, right-click a property in the Scope pane and select Add property path to watch to add that property to the Watch pane.

An example of Add property path to watch.

Figure 7. An example of Add property path to watch

"Show timestamps" moved to settings

The Show timestamps checkbox previously in Console Settings The Console Settings button has moved to Settings.

Download the preview channels

Consider using the Chrome Canary, Dev or Beta as your default development browser. These preview channels give you access to the latest DevTools features, test cutting-edge web platform APIs, and find issues on your site before your users do!

Getting in touch with the Chrome DevTools team

Use the following options to discuss the new features and changes in the post, or anything else related to DevTools.

  • Submit a suggestion or feedback to us via crbug.com.
  • Report a DevTools issue using the More options   More   > Help > Report a DevTools issues in DevTools.
  • Tweet at @ChromeDevTools.
  • Leave comments on our What's new in DevTools YouTube videos or DevTools Tips YouTube videos.

What's New in DevTools

A list of everything that has been covered in the What's New In DevTools series.

Chrome 112

Chrome 111

Chrome 110

Chrome 109

Chrome 108

Chrome 107

Chrome 106

Chrome 105

Chrome 104

Chrome 103

Chrome 102

Chrome 101

Chrome 100

Chrome 99

Chrome 98

Chrome 97

Chrome 96

Chrome 95

Chrome 94

Chrome 93

Chrome 92

Chrome 91

Chrome 90

Chrome 89

Chrome 88

Chrome 87

Chrome 86

Chrome 85

Chrome 84

Chrome 83

Chrome 82

Chrome 82 was cancelled.

Chrome 81

Chrome 80

Chrome 79

Chrome 78

Chrome 77

Chrome 76

Chrome 75

Chrome 74

Chrome 73

Chrome 72

Chrome 71

Chrome 70

Chrome 68

Chrome 67

Chrome 66

Chrome 65

Chrome 64

Chrome 63

Chrome 62

Chrome 61

Chrome 60

Chrome 59

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