Generate summary reports with the aggregation service
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You can now experiment and participate in an origin trial for Attribution Reporting. There are a number of available developer resources and code samples to get started.
To generate summary reports in the origin trial, you'll first need to set up the aggregation service. This blog post gives an overview of those steps.
If you ran an origin trial with this API in 2021, follow the migration guide to prepare for the latest origin trial.
Key terms
If you haven't already, we recommend you read the overview of Attribution Reporting and more about summary reports before learning about the aggregation service set up.
- A summary report is a compiled output for the Attribution Reporting API, which aggregates information about a group of users. Summary reports offer detailed conversion data, such as purchase value and cart contents, with flexibility for click and view data.
- An aggregatable report is an encrypted report, generated by an individual user's browser. These contain data about individual conversions and associated metrics, as defined by the advertiser or adtech. Learn more about aggregatable reports.
- The aggregation service processes data from aggregatable reports to create a summary report.
Set up the aggregation service
The aggregation service proposal asks each adtech provider to operate their own instance of the aggregation service in a trusted execution environment (TEE) deployed on a cloud service that supports needed security features.
For the initial implementation and origin trial, adtechs can set up local testing or test in TEEs with Amazon Web Services (AWS):
- Register for the Privacy Sandbox Relevance and Measurement origin trial (OT).
- Create or have an Amazon Web Services account.
- Complete the aggregation service onboarding form. After filling out this form we will send a verification email and instructions for how to set up the aggregation service.
Both the local testing tool and the aggregation service running on AWS expect aggregatable reports to be batched in the Apache Avro format. Review code snippets which demonstrate how to collect and batch aggregatable reports.
Generate summary reports with TEEs on AWS
This is a general overview of how to generate summary reports in TEEs. Read the detailed developer documentation on testing the aggregation service with AWS.
To generate summary reports, you'll need to set up the aggregation service in AWS with Terraform. Terraform will help provision, manage, and decommission the aggregation service on AWS Nitro Enclave instances.
- Install and set up the latest AWS client.
- Set up Terraform.
- Download the aggregation service dependencies.
- Set up a deployment environment.
- Test your system.
Get support
For more support with the Attribution Reporting API:
- Open a new Issue on the Privacy Sandbox Developer Support GitHub repository. Select the Issue template for Attribution Reporting.
- Or join the Attribution Reporting mailing list for developers and ask there.
If you notice any unexpected behavior:
- View Chrome issues reported for the API implementation.
- Open a Chrome bug.
- Raise a new Issue for the Trusted Execution Aggregation Service.
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