Federated Credential Management API (FedCM) origin trial extended
FedCM origin trial will now be available until the release of Chrome 108, scheduled for November 23, 2022.
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Federated Credential Management API (FedCM) is a web API for privacy-preserving identity federation. With identity federation, an RP (relying party) relies on an IdP (identity provider) to provide the user an account without requiring a new username and password.
FedCM is a purpose-built API that allows the browser to understand the context in which the RP and IdP exchange information, inform the user as to the information and privilege levels being shared and prevent unintended abuse.
FedCM origin trial began in Chrome 101 on Android and Chrome 103 on desktop. It was initially scheduled to end in version 105. Based on feedback, the API has undergone changes, so to give developers more time to test the new implementation and syntax, the origin trial has been extended.
FedCM origin trial will now be available until the release of Chrome 108, scheduled for November 23, 2022.
Read more about the changes and sign up to participate in the FedCM origin trial.
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