Chrome User Experience Report - expanding to top 1 Million+ origins

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Today, we're happy to announce a new Chrome User Experience Report with expanded coverage of over 1 million top origins on the web. Originally announced at the Chrome Developer Summit 2017, the report is a public dataset of key user experience metrics for popular sites on the web.

All data included in the new dataset reflects real-user measurement captured during the month of November 2017. CrUX performance data is based on real-world measurement, as experienced by Chrome users across a diverse set of hardware and network conditions around the world. Moving forward, we will release a new report monthly to provide insight into trends and user experience changes on the web.

A key goal of CrUX is to enable macro level analysis of real-world user experience trends on the web, expanding the scope of performance analysis beyond an individual page or website. It has been exciting to see the community begin to experiment with this data, for example:

For details on the dataset format, how to access it, and best practices for analysis, please see our developer documentation, and join the discussion if you have questions or feedback. We're excited to see what you'll build with the expanded dataset!

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