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The Chromium Chronicle #15: Restricting Target Visibility

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Episode 15: by Joe Mason in Montreal, PQ (November, 2020)
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Chrome is a big project with many sub-systems. It's common to find code written for one component that would be useful elsewhere, but might have hidden restrictions. For safety, limit external access to dangerous functionality. For instance, a custom function tuned for specific performance needs:

// Blazing fast for 2-char strings, O(n^3) otherwise.
std::string ConcatShortStringsFast(const std::string& a, const std::string& b);

There are several ways to restrict access. GN visibility rules stop code outside your component from depending on a target. By default targets are visible to all, but you can modify that:

# In components/restricted_component/
visibility = [
# Applies to all targets in this file.
# Only the given targets can depend on them.
source_set("internal") {
# This dangerous target should be locked down even more.
visibility = [ "//components/restricted_component:privileged_target" ]

Visibility declarations are validated with gn check, which runs as part of every GN build.

Another mechanism is DEPS include_rules, which limits access to header files. Every directory inherits include_rules from its parent, and can modify those rules in its own DEPS file. All header files included from outside directories must be allowed by the include_rules.

# In //components/authorized_other_component/DEPS
include_rules = [
# Common directories like //base are inherited from
# //components/DEPS or //DEPS. Also allow includes from
# restricted_component, but not restricted_component/internal.
# But do allow a single header from internal, for testing.

To ensure these dependencies are appropriate, changes that add a directory to include_rules must be approved by that directory's OWNERS. No approval is needed to restrict a directory using include_rules! You can ensure that everyone changing your component remembers not to use certain headers by adding an include_rule forbidding them.

include_rules are checked by the presubmit, so you won't see any errors until you try to upload a change. To test include_rules without uploading, run buildtools/checkdeps/ <directory>.


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