Cookies Having Independent State (CHIPS) origin trial extended
The origin trial will now be available on Chrome 106+ until October 25, 2022.
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CHIPS is a Privacy Sandbox proposal that introduces a mechanism to opt-in to having third-party cookies partitioned by top-level site using a new cookie attribute, Partitioned
Update: To give developers more time to test the feature and gather more feedback, an extension to the experiment will be available on Chrome 106+ until October 25, 2022 .
The experiment started in Chrome 100 on March 29, 2022 and was scheduled to run until June 14, 2022.
Starting in version 103, Chrome will include an alternative CHIPS origin trial design for HTTP cookies, which should enable an opt-in mechanism that will make deployment easier for large organizations.
In the new design, sending Accept-CH: Sec-CH-Partitioned-Cookies
header will no longer be required to enroll in the origin trial. Sites will only need to send the Origin-Trial
header with their CHIPS origin trial token when they are sending responses that include the Set-Cookie
header with the Partitioned
To enroll in the origin trial and start experimenting, head over to CHIPS origin trial instructions.
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