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Asynchronous Access to HTTP Cookies

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What is the Cookie Store API?

The Cookie Store API exposes HTTP cookies to service workers and offers an asynchronous alternative to document.cookie. The API makes it easier to:

  • Avoid jank on the main thread, by accessing cookies asynchronously.
  • Avoid polling for cookies, because changes to cookies can be observed.
  • Access cookies from service workers.

Read explainer

Current status

1. Create explainerComplete
2. Create initial draft of specificationComplete
**3. Gather feedback & iterate on spec****In progress**
4. Origin trialPaused
5. LaunchNot started

How do I use the async cookie store?

Enable the origin trial

Note: We've temporarily ended the origin trial while we review your feedback and use it to improve the API. Keep an eye out here for updates and announcements about when we plan to re-open the origin trial.

To try it out locally, the API can be enabled on the command line:

chrome --enable-blink-features=CookieStore

Passing this flag on the command line enables the API globally in Chrome for the current session.

Alternatively, you can enable the #enable-experimental-web-platform-features flag in chrome://flags.

You (probably) don't need cookies

Before diving into the new API, I'd like to state that cookies are still the Web platform's worst client-side storage primitive, and should still be used as a last resort. This isn't an accident - cookies were the Web's first client-side storage mechanism, and we've learned a lot since then.

The main reasons for avoiding cookies are:

  • Cookies bring your storage schema into your back-end API. Each HTTP request carries a snapshot of the cookie jar. This makes it easy for back-end engineers to introduce dependencies on the current cookie format. Once this happens, your front-end can't change its storage schema without deploying a matching change to the back-end.

  • Cookies have a complex security model. Modern Web platform features follow the same origin policy, meaning that each application gets its own sandbox, and is completely independent from other applications that the user might be running. Cookie scopes make for a significantly more complex security story, and merely attempting to summarize that would double the size of this article.

  • Cookies have high performance costs. Browsers need to include a snapshot of your cookies in every HTTP request, so every change to cookies must be propagated across the storage and network stacks. Modern browsers have highly optimized cookie store implementations, but we'll never be able to make cookies as efficient as the other storage mechanisms, which don't need to talk to the network stack.

For all the reasons above, modern Web applications should avoid cookies and instead store a session identifier into IndexedDB, and explicitly add the identifier to the header or body of specific HTTP requests, via the fetch API.

That being said, you're still reading this article because you have a good reason to use cookies...

The venerable document.cookie API is a fairly guaranteed source of jank for your application. For example, whenever you use the document.cookie getter, the browser has to stop executing JavaScript until it has the cookie information you requested. This can take a process hop or a disk read, and will cause your UI to jank.

A straightforward fix for this problem is switching from the document.cookie getter to the asynchronous Cookie Store API.

await cookieStore.get('session_id');

// {
// domain: "",
// expires: 1593745721000,
// name: "session_id",
// path: "/",
// sameSite: "unrestricted",
// secure: true,
// value: "yxlgco2xtqb.ly25tv3tkb8"
// }

The document.cookie setter can be replaced in a similar manner. Keep in mind that the change is only guaranteed to be applied after the Promise returned by cookieStore.set resolves.

await cookieStore.set({name: 'opt_out', value: '1'});

// undefined

Observe, don't poll

A popular application for accessing cookies from JavaScript is detecting when the user logs out, and updating the UI. This is currently done by polling document.cookie, which introduces jank and has a negative impact on battery life.

The Cookie Store API brings an alternative method for observing cookie changes, which does not require polling.

cookieStore.addEventListener('change', event => {
for (const cookie of event.changed) {
if ( === 'session_id') sessionCookieChanged(cookie.value);
for (const cookie of event.deleted) {
if ( === 'session_id') sessionCookieChanged(null);

Welcome service workers

Because of synchronous design, the document.cookie API has not been made available to service workers. The Cookie Store API is asynchronous, and therefore is allowed in service workers.

Interacting with the cookies works the same way in document contexts and in service workers.

// Works in documents and service workers.
async function logOut() {
await cookieStore.delete('session_id');

However, observing cookie changes is a bit different in service workers. Waking up a service worker can be pretty expensive, so we have to explicitly describe the cookie changes that the worker is interested in.

In the example below, an application that uses IndexedDB to cache user data monitors changes to the session cookie, and discards the cached data when the user logs off.

// Specify the cookie changes we're interested in during the install event.
self.addEventListener('install', event => {
event.waitUntil(cookieStore.subscribeToChanges([{name: 'session_id'}]));

// Delete cached data when the user logs out.
self.addEventListener('cookiechange', event => {
for (const cookie of event.deleted) {
if ( === 'session_id') {

Best practices

Coming soon.


If you give this API a try, please let us know what you think! Please direct feedback on the API shape to the specification repository, and report implementation bugs to the Blink>Storage>CookiesAPI Blink component.

We are especially interested to learn about performance measurements and use cases beyond the ones outlined in the explainer.

Additional resources

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