Optimizing LCP using Signed Exchanges

Signed exchanges are a means for web developers to substantially improve page loading speed coming from SXG referrers such as Google Search. They can provide benefit simply from being enabled by a checkbox, but you can take additional steps to get the most out of them.

Devin Mullins

Devin Mullins

Cookies Having Independent Partitioned State (CHIPS) origin trial

Starting in Chrome 100, CHIPS origin trial allows opting cookies in to "partitioned" storage, with a separate cookie jar per top-level site. Partitioned cookies can be set by a third-party service, but only read within the context of the top-level site where they were initially set.

Milica Mihajlija

Milica Mihajlija

User-Agent Reduction deprecation trial

Starting from Chrome 101, the information available in the User-Agent string will be reduced. Sites that haven’t had time to migrate away from using the reduced User-Agent string can take part in a deprecation trial to continue receiving the full User-Agent string.

Ali Beyad Victor Tan

Ali Beyad, Victor Tan

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