How to convert ArrayBuffer to and from String

How to convert ArrayBuffer to and from String

Renato Mangini

Renato Mangini

Don't build blobs, construct them

Recent spec changes to the File API include a new constructor for Blob, which essentially makes BlobBuilder irrelevant.

Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

Websocket Frame Inspection now in Chrome DevTools

Adding inspection ability into the data going over the wire in WebSockets

Paul Irish

Paul Irish

datalist landed in Chrome Canary

By using datalist, your app can define a list of suggested results users should select from. They can either select an option from the list or enter freeform text.

Eiji Kitamura

Eiji Kitamura

Processing XHR2 file uploads in PHP

A server code example to illustrate how to handle file uploads

Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

requestAnimationFrame API - now with sub-millisecond precision

There is about to be a change to part of the equestAnimationFrame API

Ilmari Heikkinen

Ilmari Heikkinen

WebRTC Protothon

On March 24th, Google hosted the world's first WebRTC developer event, the WebRTC Protothon.

Ilmari Heikkinen

Ilmari Heikkinen

Big boost to DOM performance - WebKit's innerHTML is 240% faster

Chrome Engineer Kentaro Hara made seven code optimizations within WebKit, boosting performance for both Safari (JavaScriptCore) and Chrome (V8).

Sam Dutton

Sam Dutton

Round-up of web browser internals resources

Most of the resources that explain the innerworkings of web browsers

Paul Irish

Paul Irish

Taking an entire page offline using the HTML5 FileSystem API

FileSystem API allows to programmatically store files and folder hierarchies in the local (sandboxed) filesystem and subsequently add/update/remove individual resources as necessary

Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

CSS layout gets smarter with calc()

You can use calc() anywhere a length or number is used, so you can use it for positioning things, or in rgb() color values as well, so it has lots of great uses in a style sheet.

Alex Danilo

Alex Danilo

Optimizing JavaScript

JavaScript is relatively fast, but it can always go faster. Read more about how to optimize your JavaScript for performance.

Seth Ladd

Seth Ladd

A new experimental feature - scoped stylesheets

Chromium recently implemented a new feature from HTML5 - scoped stylesheets, aka <style scoped>.

Alex Danilo

Alex Danilo

WebGL and Web Audio API demo roundup

Here's a look at some cool WebGL and Web Audio API demos that I've seen over the past couple weeks.

Ilmari Heikkinen

Ilmari Heikkinen

SwiftShader brings software 3D rendering to Chrome

SwiftShader is a software 3D renderer used in Chrome 18 that lets you use CSS 3D and WebGL even on deny-listed GPUs.

Ilmari Heikkinen

Ilmari Heikkinen

Detect DOM changes with mutation observers

An introduction to Mutation Observers.

Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan

Getting Gmail to handle all mailto - links with registerProtocolHandler

Thanks to navigator.registerProtocolHandler() you can wire up Gmail as your default mail client for all mailto links.

Paul Irish

Paul Irish

Chrome for Android - Accelerating the Mobile Web

Chrome for Android Beta is based on the Chromium open source project, and brings with it many of the latest HTML5 features that Chrome developers have come to know and love

Boris Smus

Boris Smus

Pointer Lock API Brings FPS games to the browser

The Pointer Lock API makes it possible to write proper first-person shooters for the web.

Ilmari Heikkinen

Ilmari Heikkinen

HTML5 audio and the Web Audio API are BFFs

createMediaElementSource() allows you to combine HTML5 <audio> with the visualization, filter, and processing power of the Web Audio API.

Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

Getting rid of synchronous XHRs

Heads up! The XMLHttpRequest2 spec was recently changed to prohibit sending a synchronous request when XMLHttpRequest.responseType is set.

Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

Web Audio FAQ

This quick update is an attempt to address some of the more frequently asked questions to make your experience with the Web Audio API more pleasant.

Boris Smus

Boris Smus

Introducing video player sample

The Video Player Sample is an open source video player web app built using the same architecture as the 60 Minutes and apps.

Pete LePage

Pete LePage

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