Quick-edit element tags

You can double click on the opening tag name of a node in the Elements Panel to edit it.

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Copy image as data URI

Right click on an image preview within the Resources Panel to copy it as a Data URI (base 64 encoded).

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Reveal in Elements panel

Reveal DOM nodes in the Elements panel from the Console.

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

See matching selectors

When you are viewing a selector in the Styles Pane, comma separated selector portions are colored differently depending on whether or not they match the selected DOM node.

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Quickly monitor events from the Console Panel

You can log all the events dispatched to an object using the Command Line API method monitorEvents(object [, events]).

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Command click to add multiple cursors in the sources panel

Learn how to to multi-cursor editing in the DevTools sources panel.

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Better incognito DevTools

Some appearance preferences are now persisted through to incognito windows.

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Alt + Click to expand all child nodes

Alt + Click to expand all child nodes

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Toggle the DevTools dock state with a keyboard shortcut

Use Cmd + Shift + D to toggle the DevTools dock state between the last two recently used states.

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Unfinished network requests

You can use the Is:running Advanced Network Filter to see unfinished network requests (e.g. running requests).

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

The easing editor

Select an easing CSS property to get a visual animated preview for how it behaves.

Umar Hansa

Umar Hansa

Autocapitalize for mobile

Another text entry frustration for users is being removed.

Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan

Cut and copy commands

The support for cut and copy commands allows you to programmatically cut and copy selected text to the users clipboard.

Matt Gaunt

Matt Gaunt

DOM Attributes now on the prototype chain

Chrome is becoming in line with the spec. Check your sites if you are assuming the WebKit logic for attribute propagation

Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan

Permissions API for the Web

The Permissions API gives you a central place to check the permission status of an API.

Matt Gaunt

Matt Gaunt

Simplified concepts in web animations naming

In response to developer feedback, some upcoming features of Web Animations are being renamed.

Sam Thorogood

Sam Thorogood

A new home for DevTools

We've moved into a shiny new home at developer.google.com/web have great new tutorials and tips for you.

Paul Bakaus

Paul Bakaus

DevTools Timeline - Now providing the full story

We've upgraded the Timeline panel for Chrome DevTools to give developers more insight on their site’s runtime performance.

Heather Mahan

Heather Mahan

Push Notifications on the Open Web

Push Messaging and Notifications are Landing in Chrome 42.

Matt Gaunt

Matt Gaunt

Creating semantic sites with Web Components and JSON-LD

Add schema.org markup to your components and make them search engine friendly.

Ewa Gasperowicz

Ewa Gasperowicz

Getting Literal With ES6 Template Strings

Template String literals with embedded expressions. We've been waiting for this for ages. Literally

Addy Osmani

Addy Osmani

Chrome Dev Summit 2014 - Let's build some apps with Polymer

Building apps, the Polymer way.

Rob Dodson

Rob Dodson

What the Virtual Viewport?

The virtual viewport separates layout and viewing of the viewport.

Matt Gaunt

Matt Gaunt

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