Streamlining the sign-in flow using credential management API
To provide a sophisticated user experience, it's important to help users authenticate themselves to your website. But creating, remembering and typing passwords tends to be cumbersome for end users, especially on mobile
What’s new with KeyboardEvents? Keys and codes!
Two new attributes bring consistent keyboard event handling to the web.
Experiment Time - Scroll Anchoring
Scroll anchoring stops a web page from moving once you've started reading the content.
A New Device Mode for a Mobile-First Generation
Learn all about Chrome DevTools' new, refreshed Device Mode introduced in Chrome 49.
Creating a web-enabled IoT device with Intel Edison
Internet of Things is really on everyone's lips these days, but what if you could create an IoT device which you accessed from your web browser? In this article we look at how you can do exactly that using Physical Web, Web Bluetooth as well as Node.js, running on an Intel® Edison Arduino breakout board.
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 50
An round up of the deprecations and API removals in Chrome to help you plan.
Chrome supports createImageBitmap() in Chrome 50
Support for image decoding in workers set to land in Chrome 50.
Device Orientation Changes Are Coming to Chrome 50
DeviceOrientationEvent uses relative degrees, and there's a new DeviceOrientationAbsoluteEvent.
DOMTokenList Validation Added in Chrome 50
Check support for various features directly in code, coming in Chrome 50.
Removing Headaches from Focus Management
The 'sequential focus navigation starting point' feature defines where we start to search for focusable elements for sequential focus navigation ([Tab] or [Shift-Tab]) when there is no focused area. It's especially helpful for accessibility features like skip links and managing focus in the document.
FormData methods for inspection and modification
In Chrome 50, you can now interact with your FormData instances before sending them on their journey.
Media Source API - Automatically ensure seamless playback of media segments in append order
The Media Source API enables JavaScript to construct media streams for playback. From Chrome 50, it's possible to use SourceBuffer sequence mode to ensure media segments are automatically relocated in the timeline in the order they were appended, without gaps between them.
Web Animations improvements in Chrome 50
Better specification compliance and new features coming in Chrome 50.
Prioritizing Your Resources with link rel='preload'
Chrome 50 adds support for rel='preload', and deprecates rel='subresource'.
Web Notification Improvements in Chrome 50 - Icons, Close Events, Renotify Preferences and Timestamps
There are lots of great new features in Chrome 50 for Notifications, here is a rundown.
Web Push Payload Encryption
Web Push now supports payloads! Find out how to take advantage of this powerful new feature. returns a promise
Say goodbye to automatic playback uncertainty! play() now returns a Promise.
Supercharged remote debugging, class roggles and our own late night show?
Learn all about the revamped “Inspect Devices” UI, toggle classes easily in the now-fixed style panel and watch the pilot of DevTools Tonight.
DevTools go dark, @keyframe editing and smarter autocomplete
Learn how DevTools makes you type less with smarter Console autocomplete, how to edit @keyframe rules directly in the Styles pane, how to have fun with CSS Custom Variables and how to join the dark side.
Web audio updates in Chrome 49
A round up of some of the latest editions to the Web Audio API in Chrome.
API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 49
An round up of the deprecations and API removals in Chrome to help you plan.
Introducing ES2015 proxies
ES2015 Proxies (in Chrome 49 and later) provide JavaScript with an intercession API, enabling us to trap or intercept all of the operations on a target object and modify how this target operates.
Smooth scrolling in Chrome 49
Tired of jittery scrolling? Great, because Chrome 49 is shipping with a new smooth scroll right out of the box!