Options of a PushSubscription

You can now access the options used when subscribing a user to push.

Matt Gaunt

Matt Gaunt

BroadcastChannel API - A message bus for the web

BroadcastChannel API can be used for simple pub/sub between windows, tabs, iframes, or workers.

Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

Intervening against document.write()

Chrome is blocking some scripts that are added using document.write()

Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan

Web Animations API hits cross-browser milestone

Firefox 48 joins Chrome in shipping a native implementation of the Web Animations API.

Alex Danilo

Alex Danilo

API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 53

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

DevTools Digest, August 2016

What happened to the Resources panel, new features, and community activity.

Kayce Basques

Kayce Basques

Muted Autoplay on Mobile - Say goodbye to canvas hacks and animated GIFs!

Muted autoplay for video is supported on Android from Chrome 53. Previously, a video element required a user gesture to initiate playback.

Sam Dutton

Sam Dutton

Web Push Interoperability Wins

Web push has had a few updates in recent versions of Chrome. GCM now supports the web push protocol and if you use VAPID you won't need to sign up for a Google Developer Project and you'll be given an FCM endpoint.

Offline google analytics made easy

The sw-offline-google-analytics library gives you everything you need.

Jeff Posnick

Jeff Posnick

Complexities of an infinite scroller

Infinite scrollers are a common UI pattern. Here we explore how to implement this pattern in a memory conservative way that performs at 60fps.

Surma Robert Flack

Surma , flackr

Goodbye short sessions - A proposal for using service workers to improve cookie management on the web

Introducing a proof of concept design to persist sessions using the Service Worker.

Flexbox gets new behavior for absolute-positioned children

Flexbox gets new behavior for absolute-positioned children

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Service worker caching, PlaybackRate and Blob URLs for audio and video on Chrome for Android

From version 52, Android Chrome uses the same media stack as desktop Chrome, rather than relying on the underlying platform implementation. This enables service worker media caching, variable playback rates, blob URLs on Android, MediaStream passing between APIs, and easier cross-platform debugging.

Sam Dutton

Sam Dutton

ECDSA for WebRTC - Better security, better privacy and better performance

From version 52, Chrome uses ECDSA by default — a much more efficient and secure algorithm for WebRTC certificate key generation. In addition, RTCCertificates can now be stored with IndexedDB.

Sam Dutton

Sam Dutton

API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 52

An round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

CSS containment in Chrome 52

The new CSS Containment property lets developers limit the scope of the browser’s styles, layout and paint work.

Paul Lewis

Paul Lewis

Performance observer - Efficient access to performance data

New in Chrome 52, the Performance Observer interface provides more efficient, event based access to performance timeline data.

Marc Cohen

Marc Cohen

DevTools Digest, September 2016 - DevTools in 2016 and Beyond

Big themes and trends for DevTools in 2016 and beyond.

Kayce Basques

Kayce Basques

Improving scroll performance with passive event listeners

New to Chrome 51, passive event listeners provide a major potential boost to scroll performance.

Kayce Basques

Kayce Basques

Stream Your Way to Immediate Responses

Start processing your service worker responses ASAP, thanks to ReadableStreams.

Jeff Posnick

Jeff Posnick

Houdini - Demystifying CSS

Houdini is a collection of APIs that expose the CSS engine’s internals to developers



DevTools Digest - More power with the new command menu

Read about DevTools' new command menu and its over 60 actions that enable super fast workflows.

Paul Bakaus

Paul Bakaus

Geolocation API removed from unsecured origins in Chrome 50

Starting with version 50, Chrome no longer supports the HTML5 Geolocation API over non-secure connections.

Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan

API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 51

An round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

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