Chrome DevTools - JavaScript CPU Profiling in Chrome 58

"Record JavaScript CPU Profile" has been changed in Chrome 58.

Kayce Basques

Kayce Basques

Chrome DevTools: JavaScript CPU Profiling in Chrome 58

Record JavaScript CPU Profile has been changed in Chrome 58.

Kayce Basques

Kayce Basques

API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 56

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 56 to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

position:sticky is back in Chrome

position:sticky. It's back!

Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan

Take photos and control camera settings

Image Capture is an API to control camera settings and take photos.

Performant Parallaxing

With a little mathematical wriggling, it's possible to have parallax effects that play nicely with browser architectures!

Paul Lewis Robert Flack

Paul Lewis, flackr

Get Ready for the Chrome Dev Summit 2016

Chrome Dev Summit 2016 is coming Thursday, Nov 10th and 11th.

Paul Kinlan

Paul Kinlan

Avoiding the not secure warning in chrome

Chrome will soon mark non-secure pages containing password and credit card input fields as Not Secure in the URL bar.

Eric Lawrence

Eric Lawrence

Manage hyphens with CSS

Chrome 55 implements the hyphens property to control when soft hyphens appear and how they behave.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

DevTools Digest, October 2016

New Console features, updates on the context selector bug, and the new UC Browser user agent.

Kayce Basques

Kayce Basques

Once upon an event listener

addEventListener now supports a once option, making it easier to define events that clean up after themselves.

Jeff Posnick

Jeff Posnick

Capture a MediaStream from a canvas, video or audio element

The captureStream() method enables a MediaStream to be captured from a canvas, audio or video element, on Android and desktop.

Sam Dutton

Sam Dutton

API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 55

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 56 to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Pointing the way forward

Pointer events unify the pointer input model for the browser, bringing touch, pens, and mice together into a single set of events.

Sérgio Gomes

Sérgio Gomes

Touch action options

Touch actions allow a developer to define how a user can interact with an element and Chrome now has wider support for touch-action options in Chrome 55.

Matt Gaunt

Matt Gaunt

auxclick is coming to Chrome 55

A new auxclick event will be fired for non-primary mouse button clicks.

Jeff Posnick

Jeff Posnick

Updates to

The new Web Fundamentals - better navigation, new content and more!

Pete LePage

Pete LePage

Re-rastering composited layers on scale change

will-change - transform means please animate it fast

Chris Harrelson

Chris Harrelson

API Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 54

An round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome to help you plan.

Joe Medley Paul Kinlan

Joe Medley, Paul Kinlan

Cross-origin Service Workers - Experimenting with Foreign Fetch

Third-party services can start deploying their own network request handlers.

Jeff Posnick

Jeff Posnick

CacheQueryOptions Arrive in Chrome 54

The full set of CacheQueryOptions are supported, making it easier to find the cached responses you're looking for.

Jeff Posnick

Jeff Posnick

DevTools Digest, September 2016 - Perf Roundup

Perf tooling improvements in DevTools over the last few Chrome releases.

Kayce Basques

Kayce Basques

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