Disabling hardware noise suppression

Experimentally disabling hardware noise suppression in Chrome 64.

Oskar Sundbom


An update on better ads

An update on better ads.

Enter Audio Worklet

Chrome 64 comes with a highly anticipated new feature in Web Audio API - Audio Worklet

Hongchan Choi

Hongchan Choi

Deprecations and Removals in Chrome 64

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 64 to help you plan. In this version, performance API changes, removal of support for multiple shadow roots, and removal of a WebKit API.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Chrome 64 to deprecate the chrome.loadTimes() API

The non-standard chrome.loadTimes() API will be deprecated in Chrome 64 now that standards-based equivalents exist for all of its useful features.

Philip Walton

Philip Walton

Chrome User Experience Report - expanding to top 1 Million+ origins

Today, we’re announcing a new Chrome User Experience Report with expanded coverage of over 1 million top origins on the web.

Ilya Grigorik

Ilya Grigorik

Preloading modules

Module preload offers a way of declaratively loading JavaScript modules ahead of time.

Sérgio Gomes

Sérgio Gomes

Lighthouse 2.6 Updates

New performance audits, a rehaul of the accessibility score, report UX improvements, and bug fixes.

vinamratasingal, Brendan Kenny, Kayce Basques

Media updates in Chrome 63/64

Predictable media playback, HDR on Windows 10, offline playback with persistent licenses, and more are waiting for you in Chrome 64.

François Beaufort

François Beaufort

The Device Memory API

The Device Memory API allows developers to serve different resources to users based on their device's memory capabilities.

Philip Walton

Philip Walton

Take control of your scroll - customizing pull-to-refresh and overflow effects

Introduction to the CSS overscroll-behavior property.

Eric Bidelman, Majid Valipour, sunyunjia

Removing ::shadow and /deep/ in Chrome 63

Say goodbye to shadow-piercing CSS selectors.

Rob Dodson

Rob Dodson

Deprecations and removals in Chrome 63

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 63 to help you plan. In this version, new behavior on interface properties, removal of a webkit function, and a change to RTCRtcpMuxPolicy.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Exceeding the buffering quota

There are several ways to deal with QuotaExceededError.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Lighthouse 2.5 updates

Five new audits, the chrome-launcher standalone Node module, and a new throttling guide.

Vinamrata Singal Brendan Kenny

vinamratasingal, Brendan Kenny

Animating a blur

A few tricks are necessary to animate a blur efficiently.

Surma Yi Gu

Surma , Yi Gu

Abortable fetch

Aborting fetches using a new web primitive – The abort controller.

Jake Archibald

Jake Archibald

WebVR changes in Chrome 62

Learn about what is changing in the WebVR API.

Mat Scales

Mat Scales

An event for CSS position:sticky

Using position - sticky and IntersectionObserver together to determine when elements become sticky. Apply scroll effects without scroll events!

Eric Bidelman

Eric Bidelman

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