Better match results with String.prototype.matchAll()
Chrome 73 introduces the String.prototype.matchAll() method. It behaves similarly to match(), but offers a simple way to iterate over matches, especially when you need access to capture groups.
Media updates in Chrome 73
Hardware media keys support, HDCP policy check, Picture-in-Picture origin trials, and more.
Lightning-fast templates and Web Components - lit-html & LitElement
lit-html and LitElement bring fast, lightweight templates and interoperable components to the modern web.
Prototyping Stack Packs for Lighthouse
Instead of only surfacing generalized advice, Stack Packs will extend Lighthouse to include additional messages for specific tools.
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 72
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 72 to help you plan.
Introducing Background Fetch
Background fetch lets you handle large downloads, even if the browser closes.
Unlocking new capabilities for the web
Web apps should be able to do anything native apps can. Through Project Fugu, we want to make it possible to build and deliver any kind of app on the open web.
Deprecations and removals in Chrome 71
A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 71 to help you plan.
Audio/Video Updates in Chrome 70
A round up of the audio/video updates in Chrome 70 - Cross-codec and cross-bytestream buffering and playback, Opus in MP4 with MSE, and protected content playback allowed by default on Android.
Houdini's Animation Worklet
Animation Worklet allows you to write imperative animations that run at the device's native frame rate for that extra buttery jank-free smoothness™, make your animations more resilient against main thread jank and are linkable to scroll instead of time.