Deprecations and removals in Chrome 80

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 80 to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Deprecations and removals in Chrome 79

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 79 to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Deprecations and removals in Chrome 78

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 78 to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Fresher service workers, by default

HTTP requests that check for updates to the service worker script will no longer be fulfilled by the HTTP cache by default, and imported scripts can trigger the service worker update flow.

Jeff Posnick

Jeff Posnick

Fresher service workers, by default

WebVR 1.1 removed from Chrome

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Deprecations and removals in Chrome 77

A round up of the deprecations and removals in Chrome 77 to help you plan.

Joe Medley

Joe Medley

Media updates in Chrome 75

Predicting whether playback will be smooth and power efficient for encrypted media and support of the video element's "playsInline" attribute hint.

François Beaufort

François Beaufort

Web Components update - more time to upgrade to v1 APIs

Web Components v0 users have more time to upgrade to v1; but be sure and test.

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