Sam Dutton

Developer Advocate, Google Chrome

Sam Goto

Software Engineer on the Chrome team

Sam Thorogood


Sam Thorogood

Sam was a developer relations engineer at Google.

Sarino Grasso

Sarino is a Web Ecosystem Consultant at Google

Sérgio Gomes

Web DevRel at Google

Seth Ladd

Seth is a contributor to Chrome Developers

Shane Exterkamp

Shane is a SWE on Lighthouse

Shubhie Panicker

Tech Lead Manager on the Chrome Web Platform team

Sid Lall

Product Manager at Google

Sigurd Schneider

Software Engineer working on Chrome DevTools at Google.

Simeon Vincent

Developer Advocate for Chrome Extensions

Simon Hearne

Simon is an independent web performance consultant

Sofia Emelianova

Technical Writer, Google Chrome

Solomon Kinard

Software Engineer, Chrome Extensions

Stefan Zager

Software Engineer, Google Chrome

Stephen McGruer

Stephen is a contributor to Chrome Developers


Advocate for the web.

Thomas Steiner

Tom is a Developer Advocate

Tim Dresser

Software Engineer working on performance metrics at Google

Tim Statler

Technical Writer

Tim van der Lippe

Software Engineer working on Chrome DevTools at Google.

Titouan Rigoudy

Titouan is a Software Engineer working on the Web Platform.

Tom Greenaway

Chrome & Web Developer Relations Games Lead

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