Streaming requests with the fetch API
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From Chromium 105, you can start a request before you have the whole body available by using the Streams API.
You could use this to:
- Warm up the server. In other words, you could start the request once the user focuses a text input field, and get all of the headers out of the way, then wait until the user presses 'send' before sending the data they entered.
- Gradually send data generated on the client, such as audio, video, or input data.
- Recreate web sockets over HTTP/2 or HTTP/3.
But since this is a low-level web platform feature, don't be limited by my ideas. Maybe you can think of a much more exciting use-case for request streaming.
This shows how you can stream data from the user to the server, and send data back that can be processed in real time.
Yeah ok it isn't the most imaginative example, I just wanted to keep it simple, okay?
Anyway, how does this work?
Previously on the exciting adventures of fetch streams
Response streams have been available in all modern browsers for a while now. They allow you to access parts of a response as they arrive from the server:
const response = await fetch(url);
const reader = response.body.getReader();
while (true) {
const {value, done} = await;
if (done) break;
console.log('Received', value);
console.log('Response fully received');
Each value
is a Uint8Array
of bytes. The number of arrays you get and the size of the arrays depends on the speed of the network. If you're on a fast connection, you'll get fewer, larger 'chunks' of data. If you're on a slow connection, you'll get more, smaller chunks.
If you want to convert the bytes into text, you can use TextDecoder
, or the newer transform stream if your target browsers support it:
const response = await fetch(url);
const reader = response.body.pipeThrough(new TextDecoderStream()).getReader();
is a transform stream that grabs all those Uint8Array
chunks and converts them to strings.
Streams are great, as you can start acting on the data as it arrives. For instance, if you're receiving a list of 100 'results', you can display the first result as soon as you receive it, rather than waiting for all 100.
Anyway, that's response streams, the exciting new thing I wanted to talk about is request streams.
Streaming request bodies
Requests can have bodies:
await fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: requestBody,
Previously, you needed the whole body ready to go before you could start the request, but now in Chromium 105, you can provide your own ReadableStream
of data:
function wait(milliseconds) {
return new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, milliseconds));
const stream = new ReadableStream({
async start(controller) {
await wait(1000);
controller.enqueue('This ');
await wait(1000);
controller.enqueue('is ');
await wait(1000);
controller.enqueue('a ');
await wait(1000);
controller.enqueue('slow ');
await wait(1000);
}).pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream());
fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
headers: {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'},
body: stream,
duplex: 'half',
The above will send "This is a slow request" to the server, one word at a time, with a one second pause between each word.
Each chunk of a request body needs to be a Uint8Array
of bytes, so I'm using pipeThrough(new TextEncoderStream())
to do the conversion for me.
Streaming requests are a new power for the web, so they come with a few restrictions:
Half duplex?
To allow streams to be used in a request, the duplex
request option needs to be set to 'half'
A little-known feature of HTTP (although, whether this is standard behavior depends on who you ask) is that you can start receiving the response while you're still sending the request. However, it's so little-known, that it isn't well supported by servers, and isn't supported by any browser.
In browsers, the response never becomes available until the request body has been fully sent, even if the server sends a response sooner. This is true for all browser fetching.
This default pattern is known as 'half duplex'. However, some implementations, such as fetch
in Deno, defaulted to 'full duplex' for streaming fetches, meaning the response can become available before the request is complete.
So, to work around this compatibility issue, in browsers, duplex: 'half'
needs to be specified on requests that have a stream body.
In future, duplex: 'full'
may be supported in browsers for streaming and non-streaming requests.
In the meantime, the next best thing to duplex communication is to make one fetch with a streaming request, then make another fetch to receive the streaming response. The server will need some way to associate these two requests, like an ID in the URL. That's how the demo works.
Restricted redirects
Some forms of HTTP redirect require the browser to resend the body of the request to another URL. To support this, the browser would have to buffer the contents of the stream, which sort-of defeats the point, so it doesn't do that.
Instead, if the request has a streaming body, and the response is an HTTP redirect other than 303, the fetch will reject and the redirect will not be followed.
303 redirects are allowed, since they explicitly change the method to GET
and discard the request body.
Requires CORS and triggers a preflight
Streaming requests have a body, but don't have a Content-Length
header. That's a new kind of request, so CORS is required, and these requests always trigger a preflight.
Streaming no-cors
requests are not allowed.
Doesn't work on HTTP/1.x
The fetch will be rejected if the connection is HTTP/1.x.
This is because, according to HTTP/1.1 rules, request and response bodies either need to send a Content-Length
header, so the other side knows how much data it'll receive, or change the format of the message to use chunked encoding. With chunked encoding, the body is split into parts, each with their own content length.
Chunked encoding is pretty common when it comes to HTTP/1.1 responses, but very rare when it comes to requests, so it's too much of a compatibility risk.
This isn't an issue for HTTP/2 or 3, as data is always 'chunked', although it calls the chunks frames.
Potential issues
This is a new feature, and one that's underused on the internet today. Here are some issues to look out for:
Incompatibility on the server side
Some app servers don't support streaming requests, and instead wait for the full request to be received before letting you see any of it, which kinda defeats the point. Instead, use an app server that supports streaming, like NodeJS or Deno.
But, you're not out of the woods yet! The application server, such as NodeJS, usually sits behind another server, often called a "front-end server", which may in turn sit behind a CDN. If any of those decide to buffer the request before giving it to the next server in the chain, you lose the benefit of request streaming.
Incompatibility outside of your control
Since this feature only works over HTTPS, you don't need to worry about proxies between you and the user, but the user may be running a proxy on their machine. Some internet protection software does this to allow it to monitor everything that goes between the browser and network, and there may be cases where this software buffers request bodies.
If you want to protect against this, you can create a 'feature test' similar to the demo above, where you try to stream some data without closing the stream. If the server receives the data, it can respond via a different fetch. Once this happens, you know the client supports streaming requests end-to-end.
Feature detection
const supportsRequestStreams = (() => {
let duplexAccessed = false;
const hasContentType = new Request('', {
body: new ReadableStream(),
method: 'POST',
get duplex() {
duplexAccessed = true;
return 'half';
return duplexAccessed && !hasContentType;
if (supportsRequestStreams) {
// …
} else {
// …
If you're curious, here's how the feature detection works:
If the browser doesn't support a particular body
type, it calls toString()
on the object and uses the result as the body. So, if the browser doesn't support request streams, the request body becomes the string "[object ReadableStream]"
. When a string is used as a body, it conveniently sets the Content-Type
header to text/plain;charset=UTF-8
. So, if that header is set, then we know the browser doesn't support streams in request objects, and we can exit early.
Safari does support streams in request objects, but doesn't allow them to be used with fetch
, so the duplex
option is tested, which Safari doesn't currently support.
Using with writable streams
Sometimes it's easier to work with streams when you have a WritableStream
. You can do this using an 'identity' stream, which is a readable/writable pair that takes anything that's passed to its writable end, and sends it to the readable end. You can create one of these by creating a TransformStream
without any arguments:
const {readable, writable} = new TransformStream();
const responsePromise = fetch(url, {
method: 'POST',
body: readable,
Now, anything you send to the writable stream will be part of the request. This lets you compose streams together. For instance, here's a silly example where data is fetched from one URL, compressed, and sent to another URL:
// Get from url1:
const response = await fetch(url1);
const {readable, writable} = new TransformStream();
// Compress the data from url1:
response.body.pipeThrough(new CompressionStream('gzip')).pipeTo(writable);
// Post to url2:
await fetch(url2, {
method: 'POST',
body: readable,
The above example uses compression streams to compress arbitrary data using gzip.
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